I am soft. I am vulnerable. I’ve never found myself in such a frustrating place. Having to wear my emotions on my raincoat is impeccable. I’m a little bit confused about myself lately. Whether I’m coming or going, this world threw me in the deepest hole yet. It’s kinda funny how I still find ways to enjoy myself. To just forget about my problems for a while. But we all know we can’t escape our own shadow. Bit by bit we have to face the darkest of times alone, just wandering through the gazes of people who don’t give a damn about you.

I’ve been feeling alone this whole time. I’m scared I’m bleeding on people who never hurt me. You know. I always find ways to make myself sad. Happy is a word that’s never in my life’s vocabulary. I’ve been drowning in sorrow and pity for some time now. My life just became one hell of a place. I’m longing for some love and protection. This world really punched me in places I can not recover from. I am low on energy. My mental health took a heavy swift in the wrong direction. Where is my dignity?

I wear my heart on my sleeve. So that when the dawn comes I can know what to feel. And when the day’s over, I know how to switch it off again. My feelings have been lying to me. Honestly I just wish I can find a place for them to stay in. My heart, I take care of it. Sometimes I just leave it on my sleeve so that people can see what I’m feeling.

But I’m hurt. I am soft. I am vulnerable. I wear my heart on my sleeve.