I never thought that there will be a day when he will lay a hand on me, its quiet hurtful and my heart is heavy but I learned something from it which is a lesson.
Story of my life i went to school and studied hard to be something better and to be independent, never have I thought that one day i would beg a man to such an extend that he would hit me. Everything was perfect, so perfect.I am a 21 year old girl who finished school in 2021 everything would have been fine if I went to school but in 2022 I had a choice to go to school or to work, but i had to look for reasons of where I should go first and I decided to go to an interview for work because no one was working at home and I didn’t want my family to starve while I had a chance to work. I thought to my self I will go back to school after the contract has ended.
So in 2023 I started working and everything was fine. I met this guy and I was so happy with him , he used to make me very happy and I thought we needed each other to be happy. I got pregnant that year and during that pregnancy in 2024 he changed on me. Texted his ex girlfriend and they shared memories of how much they loved each other I was so hurt during that time i told him we should share 50/50 on buying the baby’s things and he said he’s not a father yet, so I told his family, mind you they are so overprotective of him, a big family protective of their youngest brother who is 24 and I have no one to defend me they said I should forgive him I did.
So this year I couldn’t go to school because i was expecting so I guess that’s how I ruined my future but I love my baby so much as she’s 3months now. I respected him , I loved him and I never disrespected him until now. Although I told his family how he treated me they still took his side, it’s his family after all so one day i told him that I’ll raise my child alone so before giving birth I put my cousin’s picture when she was a baby on Facebook and the whole family hated me even though they knew what he did, so I went there and explained why I put that picture .After 2days I gave birth and it was proof that I wasn’t lying. Now that my baby is born I bought clothes for her and until this day he hasn’t bought clothes for her but I’ve changed so whenever I want him to buy my baby nappies and milk I shout at him I was never like this I promise I was a quiet person before I had a child, now I understand why baby mammas become like this.
So one day i heard he was getting a lot of money from his company I had to go fight for my baby I went there and told him to buy my baby clothes he said its his money and that he’s not crazy so I went with him to the mall begged him he bought me shoes when I wanted babies things I begged him and asked him to leave the shoes so we can buy babies things but he didn’t want to be seen with babies things as he’s young and what will people. I never thought I would be in that position or that anyone would ever make me feel like a beggar, I told him that money changes him and that if I don’t fight for my baby no one will, he hit me for the first time in my life because i was so desperate for him to be a father to his child.
He hit me on the cheek and back and I just stood up and left for the first time a man hit me , what happened to my dreams I never thought things would happen that way because I knew my worth i didn’t fight so hard to get used by a man , that day i knew if I fought him back he would ruin my face and my body would be sore so I stood up and left and when I try to forget still his family goes after me and tell me they never thought I would behave like thata I wonder what he said to them but how long will they fight for him especially because im the youngest of them all and i feel left out because i dont have a big and supportive family like his .
I hope one day i heal from all of this and hopefully next year I’ll go to university and fulfil my dreams because money changes people hopefully it will change Me too and for my baby to grow and be successful.