A long long time ago in a far away universe lived Courtney bloom and the fairies of fairyverse Courtney was the fearless leader of the magical creatures .she was the most powerful fairy in all of fairyverse .No one in the right mindset would challenge the great Courtney bloom everyone thought .but they never saw it coming a weird form appeared on the seen without any wings on his back he was the strangest thing they had ever seen.

He had long ears that shook everytime someone said presents .Courtney and the strange creature immediately fell in love with each other.They then had a child who grew up to be a powerful fairy .she was known as Mary bloom she had big strong wings.which made a huge strong tornrado when she got mad .She then became the protector of the magical land of fairyverse.she later saved princess Tatiana Kushiada from the terrible Jabar … she was then was worshipped as a goddess she lived an amazing life in the sky of fairyverse.But now she is ready to go to a small planet earth