Fear it’s demonic
It steals one’s confidence
It destroys one’s uniqueness and it kills the strength
to feel selfless. It’s painful to not see yourself the same way that you used to. Even the mirror becomes your enemy for you no longer apply the same energy that you used to have.
Because of fear you have looked down on yourself Unaware that by doing so you are creating a huge gap for “fear’ to take place in your system which changes every positive you have with nagative. that moment you allow fear to take place in your life it simply gets a chance to instruct’ and control you on what you can do and on what you cannot do or capable of doing it keeps on setting your life on limits.
Fear it’s demonic
It changes one’s behavior fear enjoys to see you miserable. It puts you in a very dark corner where you seat alone and it feeds you the habits of the dark. Everytime that you trying step out to remember yourself it reminds you of your past it reminds you of your failures it remind you of all your weaknesses until you freak out to feel it’s where you belong just there. Fear it’s demonic and dangerous it kills you lightly, silently it wants no progress it want no one to fight back. It enjoys to lean on the weak and watch you suffer it offer nothing but pain, misery, low self-esteem that has leaded many on depression locked by fear to have no freedom of expression. Look having no room of expression it’s another thing.
Fear it’s demomic
yes we not always strong but even on our worst days we have to try by all means to collect ourselfs again to remain strong facing those fears. Don’t allow fear to separate you from your dreams. Remember In life we fail we fall and we always have courage to rise again. As long you still alive as long that you are given another chance on earth to breath fight back lead the way. Don’t get tired of watering that seed it needs a good energy and great hemisphere to grow. Fight to not lose yourself in any situation. Stay awake focus.
may my simple piece of work Heal, bring strength and courage.
A. Ngozi.