You don’t have to hit someone in order to hurt him or her and sometimes it hits more. Words can do wonders in good way or the other. They are like thorns no one want to come near .They either build or break. They are poisonous do parents get that?are they aware of that . This pains me because many young adults suffer from chronic illnesses only because someone said something so painful something that could lead even to suicidal thought.Parents sometimes take decisions that are heartbreaking and devastating but still continue to act on them. When trying to convince them they would just say you’re a kid you won’t understand but you will one day ..what is that?




Lihle a 11 year old girl whom her parents were constantly fighting and that really changed her home situation. She would always witness what was happening and that really made her angry that made her hate even her self because she once grew up in a warm and loving family she would always want answers and sometimes thinks she was the reason her parents constantly fight. As we all know and after all we were onced kids we have witnessed this.We also felt we were the reason things weren’t good, growing up with such guilt can become dangerous even to us but then there’s nothing we can do about .Only our beloved parents can do that and again they don’t apologize. To them kids will always hear from them and abide them ,they are normally not in fault even though they realise that they won’t apologize because they think we can take advantage of that but the truth is that if one needs to apologise they must. Apologising only shows mankind respect and dignity. World stats are rising daily youth lost in soul and spirit

doing mostly bad things because they left their homes as they couldn’t stand and endure the pain done by those they trusted mostly parents.

” I wonder why ,why do our own parents whom are obliged to love and cherish but they only opress” .said Lihle.


A parent isn’t only the person who brought you to the land of living but it is an elder who is determined to support,love and provide. Someone who cares,some who is determined to break the rules and do anything in order for you to shine. The truth is that in this generation we are experiencing that the hard way.What happening in the world right now is shocking because the ones who are supposed to do all that they don’t. They only bring pain and suffering. They can’t even say the word “sorry” even if they don’t mean it .They just don’t get it but then l guess that’s what’s even drive the youth of today a little bit unruly.It is only because parents are failing to lead by example. They are much into culture as they will always say “your great grandparents did that and that” they just hold on to the past.



The day when parents learn to apologize it is the day when young adults find innermost peace because the truth is they are the one’s who bring problems and a lot of challenges. Sometimes the are things that we try and force to forget but the truth is when they come back to haunt we become haunted and become forced to get an easy way out.We can’t even talk to our parents because they are so judgemental they only want us to be perfect and not make mistakes I get that but sometimes they are the ones not telling the truth.What happened to the saying” A child is groomed and prepared by the community”

I have been the victim but not anymore am in charge and in control of my self.