I sometimes wonder why you did the things you did that caused our separation.

You were my first boyfriend, and I was your first girlfriend you also had. Sometimes, I can’t help but reflect and realise how much I have grown, changed and matured.

I remember how we both gave and invested our all in what we had, although we were still very young.

Till today, I sometimes wonder why you had to leave me when I needed your love, care and support the most; I remember thanking you for attending my grandmother’s funeral. Gracing me with your presence honestly meant a lot to me, and it comforted me in a way that felt like heaven.

Did you have to demolish what we had and had built… Our hopes, wishes and dreams, and most significantly, our promise that we made to be and stick with each other forever?

By cheating on me when I was still mourning… stupidly with some girl that lived nearby the area I lived in? How ironic indeed, thinking it was right for you to do and that I would not find out because I am an indoor person. It was the most bitter pill ever to swallow, being betrayed and cheated on like that in desperate times of need.

I guess “FOREVER” does not exist.

Not so long ago, even after so many years after our breakup. I still can’t believe that you surprisingly keep coming to me whenever you see me AND begging me to give you a chance to talk to me. I salute and thank myself for not allowing you because I do not want you to think you still stand a chance.

Hopefully, and now your eyes are open, you realise and see that no girl would LOVE you the way I did, SUPPORT and CARE for you… not only that, but also PRAY for you and wish the best for you.

I want you to know that I have fully forgiven you and healed from the loss I faced in my life to such an extent that when I look back, it makes me smile and feel the calm breeze of happiness and relief released from my soul.