“Sphesihle remove that picture ”

Yeah, l know you like it But that portrait you see on the wall,

it reversing all bad memories happed years ago and it play repeat on my mind.

It’s like I saw a horror movie and l pictured/ captured on my mind.

You see that dress lam wearing on that picture, that dress was beautiful and stunning.

that dress was my favorite out of all my dresses , I wore it since it was new, your father bought it for me on the day of Valentine.

It was new before its turn into an old one, it shattered in pieces. the Man l loved had damaged my dress .

your father used to torture me when he came back

from tarven and he had abused me because of being a failure to provide and be responsible for us me as his

wife and his daughter. He use to beat me every single

day when he was drunk and you know my child if I am undressed ,they’re are scars in my body, it hurtful

He left brutal scars in my whole body, I don’t wanna hide it from you,the truth must be told.

Our love was beautiful and everyone wished to have it.

we were like doves that flew altogether, our love was something else and I don’t wanna lie but all Vanished like a stain in a cloth.

everything changed after chaotic and conflict.

He hitted me so badly and I woke up in an ICU room and my condition was critical, l nearly died and when l was asleep ,you were near my bed.

I protected you during a fight , l putted you beneath my legs and l covered you with my dress ,that dress was too long .

Each and every single day when he was drunk ,

he would punch me everywhere and he didn’t care whether he hit a wrong spot or not and ngabekezel ngoba ngangimthanda kakhulu but then the property was mine and l owned it .

I Lost my both parents after i finished my matric in 2007 , l get married and you were turning 2 years old .

I had no place to go, my relatives were all alive but they were dead to me ,besides that the house was mine and l was not gonna move out , l worked hard to build our house .

things turned away , l wore a skin Jean everyday and when he was out from tavern and that tavern was mine also I owned it

, it was my parents property. We are alive because of that tarven ,no one worked for too long between us l don’t really know whether we’re bewitched or it was a misfortune.

When he was out , i got a opportunity to go to train Karate to protect myself and guess what l survived ,

ngamcupha one day he came back drunk to hit me as always he does

he entered in our room to fight with me but l stepped aside and he missed his shot when he turned back his big head to fight again then l jumped higher spinning my leg on the air ,turning and I hitted his head with spring kick .

He dove away and bumped in a wall with his head then he fell down and now a society know me better,

my community respects me too much , they praised me and they even bow their head down like they see a King/ queen but then l am not proud of the sin I’ve done .

your father was lying on the floor and the noise was not ending to our door , they had called me ” Boss lady you’ve finished him .

I screamed loudly crying for help but no one appeared and no one attended me while I was needed help , he had connection everywhere

You’re turning 22 years old now and it crucial to know the whole truth about your father

I’ve killed your father!!!

To be continue….

Let’s all fight against Gbv

Wrote by ‘ L. Mkhwanazii