Body shaming is pervasive. Nowadays chubby women experience body shaming through all the platforms and which is not healthy at all. Individuals can experience this as a form of bullying and it’s too toxic, which can lead to depression and anxiety, no one deserves to be judged based on their appearance.

Being criticised by everyone is not easy, but you have to remind yourself that you are a big beautiful woman. You should learn how to love yourself and feel good about yourself because you are worthy. Be proud of who you are and lastly keep loving yourself, you are a phenomenal queen. Don’t change yourself because people say so.

Body shaming can negatively affect a person in many ways. Body shaming may lead to eating disorders, body image disturbance and body dysmorphic disorder and other mental health Impacts.

Body shaming is the reason why some women feel less content and confident about themselves. Many people commit suicide due to it and many opted for drugs because of it, stop body shaming in the name of health. The size of your waist has nothing to do with your worth, beauty is about being comfortable in your own skin. It’s about knowing and accepting who you are.

Motivational message for chubby women:

You can be chubby and sexy. It all depends on how you feel about yourself, being chubby is not an abomination and you don’t owe anyone a slim body because you are beautiful the way you are. There’s nothing wrong with imperfections, beauty has no size limit and is the best version of yourself.

Your body is perfect just the way it is from the top to the bottom just whatever you feel comfortable in. Cellulite, body rolls, skin discolouration and black inner thighs were normal. Everyone, let’s stop body shaming. Start to embrace your flaws and be proud to flaunt them in all ways. Never let someone make you feel insecure and never doubt your beauty, embrace your curves and celebrate your shape. Never be ashamed of your body.