Yes you read it right:”blood is no more thicker than water” and I know you very familiar within this figure of speech and this is how it goes: Blood is thicker than water. This saying or proverb has a deeper meaning and I trust you know that.

Sigh! When I look around now, there’s a lot of changes in comparison with back then. And I can’t take back the years! People use to say “stop living in the past but live in the present” and they’re absolute right! People used to be people back then. Family tie were stronger and nothing will cut that tie back then, meaning family tie was more than anything else!

But today, family ties are broken apart and you’ll not be amazed by what are the causes of that. We allow things such as : arrogance, selfishness, favouritism, being praised, state of education, poverty, state of description, money etc to break through. These things has affected our families, the community of people as well.

In families if you’re not educated you’re less considered. If you’re not doing well paying job less considered or not working at all, if one of our family members amongst a family is poor will be less considered. You’re not respected eighter. Favouritism is there too.

Some members in families are arrogant, like to be praised or given deep respect based on what title, job, money a person possesses. Somehow These things build selfishness or jealousy onto some and onto some they just accepted as lesser in a family just because they lack some of these things.

Blood is no more thicker than water because of how we do things, treat things and others or our views. Makes the blood no more thicker (family is being dived) Does what I’m speaking about happening to your family? Or it is happening in my family alone? You and your family in your community how are you treated? Are you a subject?

Once again I repeat this: people used to be people back then. How so? Let me try do an example: in a community right,if there was a family struggling too much meaning starving, so a family head who have a surplus will borrow a family head who doesn’t have nothing will borrow him either a cow, goat, hen or roster ( in Zulu they call it “ukusisela”). With what aim or what was the aim?

Remember not saying that struggling family doesn’t have nothing at all but it is not enough to cover the need and plus do have something but it doesn’t get multiply i.e got a hen but don’t have a rooster, so a family head with surplus will give or lend his rooster to this family and will stay until the other family chickens gets multiply! In short is to help someone who is in need instead of making a laughing stock about that person’s situation. That’s how the execute poverty in the community!

This kind of act was highly recommend because it was not pleasing to see someone lacking or poor. Today “yilowo nalowo uyazibona” every man for himself even amongst in our families! Money is worse, to some people money sprouted bad traits(like arrogance ) and to some money sprouted the opposite good traits( humbleness). Money is the worse enemy which breaks a family tie! Instead of blood it’s money now : Money is Thicker than Water.

It is sad to see this taking place in families. It’s shouldn’t be like this but it’s happening and I’m a living proof and I’m seeing it in other families. Money is Thicker than water no more blood is thicker than water! If you’re less considered you and your family by other members of your family just because you lacking some resources then just know you’re not alone!

All you need to do is to accept the situation you living in now and I don’t promise you that by time goes by things will change for you and your family because no one knows the future. But try whatever you can try to kill a cat or chase it away from the fireplace rather sit down doing null.

I’m not coming from much, like I’m not from the fortune family but I’m not sitting back expecting my extended family members who are wealthy that they should cater my needs and wants and of my family nor, but I keep trying what I can do to ease the situation. This is the secret of life that I’ve learned so far: if you have shelter whether is a shack it’s fine, if you don’t go to bed empty stomach, if you have clothes you don’t rove around naked , if there some people who value you as a human , you have it all- it’s a blessing, treasure it!

Live life is good, precious doesn’t show partiality life and grants you with a living privilege! So, seek for an instrument or channel that will help sustain you and life of those who are close to you whether in good times and bad times. People who are aware of your state of life (being poor)now that’s the only people they will be with you even when you’ve come to your glory. Be aware of those who will love you when you’re in good state including extended family members who treated you as inferiors. Don’t hold a grudge against them don’t feel jealousy about their abundance.

Blood is no more thicker than water but Money is THICKER than water instead, this is what I’ve seen and learned! I congratulate you if your family ties are stronger than anything else! But there’s a lot I wish to cover but let me leave it here for now.