Did fighting ever cross my mind? Not once. I had always imagined my life unfolding in neat lines, drawn out in journals and diaries, mapped by plans and bucket lists. But on that day, everything changed. It was the first time I saw him since he’d broken up with me, right after we’d slept together. He told me he got what he wanted, and my heart shattered. I cried until I thought I’d found some semblance of peace, until fate decided to strike again.

As I walked through the street, my heart heavy with memories, I caught sight of him. He was with a girl, smiling and carefree, carrying her bag with ease. My breath caught in my throat. It was the exact thing he had refused to do for me just days before, when he had called, saying he missed me. But now, it became painfully clear—he never missed me. He only missed the physical connection we shared. After that call, he vanished, leaving me to piece together the fragments of my heart.

I stood there, frozen, as they walked closer. I wanted to let them pass, to act like I didn’t care. But my eyes locked onto him, unblinking, rage and disbelief swirling within me. How could I have been so blind? The realisation that I had been played hit me like a punch to the gut. They say I didn’t let him walk by with his new girlfriend, and maybe it was true. In that moment, I felt a surge of emotions—betrayal, hurt, and an anger I couldn’t contain.

What happened next felt like a blur. I approached them, my heart racing, and in a moment of pure impulse, I slapped him across the face. The sound echoed in the quiet street, and I spat at them both, tears streaming down my cheeks. I dragged him by his shirt, crying out for him to see the pain he had caused. I was ashamed, lost in a whirlwind of emotions that clouded my judgement. How had I become this person, consumed by rage?

The commotion attracted attention, and soon the police arrived. I was left standing there, heart racing, feeling like a criminal for love. A strange twist of fate had turned my life upside down in an instant. I had never thought I would find myself in such a situation, let alone become known as someone who fought for love.

As I walked away from that scene, shame washed over me. I realized that love can twist and turn, revealing dark corners we never expect. I had thought I could plan for everything, but the truth was, we never really know what lies ahead. That day taught me a hard lesson—that emotions can drive us to places we never intended to go.

Now, I carry those memories with me, a reminder of how quickly things can spiral out of control. I may have been a criminal for love that day, but I also learned that healing takes time. I would have to rebuild, to find my strength beyond that moment of weakness. In the end, love may be unpredictable, but it also teaches us resilience and the power of moving forward.