Your first piece of writing is a poem to introduce yourself.

Here is an example from a FunDza staff member:

I am Asithandile
Loving and optimistic
Who loves love, my family and music
Who fears failure and being mediocre
Who dreams of all my dreams coming true
I am Asithandile
I am Asithandile Tyulu

Follow the pattern and write your own on a piece of paper as you will need a copy you can keep.

I am ____________________________ (your first name only)
________ and ________ (2 adjectives that describe you)
Who loves ________, ________ and ________ (3 people or things)
Who fears ________ and ________ (2 things)
Who dreams of _________________________ (can be a big dream or a small dream!)
I am ________ (first name)
I am ________ ________ (first name and last name)

Here are some adjectives that describe people to inspire you – but feel free to choose your own one not on this list:

Brave, creative, dreamy, friendly, gentle, humble, kind, outspoken, proud, reliable, shy, talkative, understanding, wise, funny, irresistible, noisy, quiet, handsome, beautiful…

Now submit your biopoem below. (Remember, you need to have a copy yourself as well.)