A haiku is a short poem made up of three lines that do not rhyme. It is intended to be read in one breath.
It has a total of 17 syllables:
5 syllables in the first line,
7 syllables in the second line,
5 syllables in the third line
Remember, a syllable is like a beat – so the word ‘haiku’ has two syllables (hai-ku) and the word syllable has three (syll-a-ble). Clap it out if you need to!
The haiku form was originally from Japan, and is usually used to capture a moment, almost like a word–photograph. They are very descriptive, rather than being an explanation or story. Originally the haiku was written about nature and the seasons, you can write about any theme you like: family, friends, home, people, school, your neighbourhood – whatever you like!
Here are some examples for inspiration:
The streets are shining
The rain has polished the tar
Rubbish soon returns.
Shouts and laughs at break
The boys running, girls talking
The bell rings too soon.
And some other lovely ones by FunDza Fanz:
A bird flies sweetly
On paper wings telling all
Of my love for you
– by Nkanyiso Bonginkosi Biyela
A flurry of wind
blew the fat mama away
At the taxi rank
– by Mbali Nhlumayo
Now write two or three of your own haikus.