Ike Mboneni Muila
Muyahavho don’t cry
please don’t cry
kale kale
rit she vhatuku
gone are the days
we were young
vha tshi ri
ndi gukulume
illness tolerance
ri tshi la
muno na madi
water and salt
muyahavho don’t cry
please don’t cry
half a loaf of bread
for you to eat
without tea to drink
take it cool
as it is
much better
please don’t cry
early in the morning
you walk to school
no money for lunch
a little smile
you reserve release depression
promote a sense
of awareness
don’t cry
please don’t cry
your teacher
in the classroom
loud and loud
in your head for the missing answer
you and me
forget not
the resort
to end the beginning
of our separate world
don’t panic
please don’t cry
one hungry afternoon
you walk into the kitchen
you opening doors
of the kitchen unit
the pots are empty
no crumbs inside
is speak and span
is left for you
don’t cry
please don’t cry
every dark cloud
has a silver lining
just stomach the pain
as if nothing
worries you
ungakhali akusizi
work all covered
your way out
don’t cry
please don’t cry