The next morning. Agnes walks into the dining room and begins to clean. She seems distracted, constantly checking the time and glancing in the direction of the front door as if she is expecting someone to walk in at any moment. Her husband walks into the dining room behind her, quickly grabs her by the waist from behind and kisses her neck. Agnes is startled by him but giggles when he turns her around to kiss her.

JAMES: Hmmmmm … you smell so good. I’ve missed you. How about we go to the bedroom?

AGNES: (Noticing something on his shirt.) Wait – is this … lipstick? (sniffing his shoulder) And a woman’s perfume?! James, where were you last night? And why are you only coming home at six in the morning? Why didn’t you call, text or anything?

James’ mood swiftly changes and he grabs Agnes by the throat and squeezes hard. 

JAMES: Who do you think you are? (shaking her) Why the fuck do you think you have the right to ask me whatever nonsense pops into that little head of yours?

Agnes is struggling to breathe and pulling at her husband’s grip around her throat. 

JAMES: (Getting angrier and tightening his grip.) I keep telling you to know your place, but instead, you choose to disrespect me. My father was right about you – too damned educated and cheeky for your own good. And mine. (He lets her go.)

Agnes: (coughing) That is not true. Your unfaithfulness–

James lunges at her, grabs and again tightens his hold around her neck. She is about to pass out when Dumi, who is on his way to work, walks in. Dumi drops his briefcase and rushes to pull James away. James steps back, still fuming, glaring at Agnes, who is coughing, holding her throat.

DUMI: What the hell are you doing James? You could have killed her! (Turning his attention to Agnes.) Agnes, are you okay?

JAMES: Maybe that was the plan. How about you stay out of this Dumi! This is between me and my wife. Agnes, let’s go talk in the bedroom.

DUMI: No, I think you should calm down first, then talk … give Agnes time to get herself together.

JAMES: (frustrated) You know what? Fine Dumi! I don’t need this right now! (Walks off, shoving a chair over as he leaves.)

DUMI: (Picking up the chair and helping Agnes onto it.) Aggie are you good? Do you need anything?

AGNES: (Struggling to talk) I’m okay Dumi, thank you. I’m sorry you had to see that … James just lost his temper. I … I’m fine. It was just a misunderstanding.

DUMI: Has this happened before? I can stay with you for a bit if you want.

AGNES: No Dumi, I am fine, I promise. James just got out of hand. I am fine (looking away from him) plus he has never done anything like this before. Really it won’t happen again. Please don’t mention it to anyone else. I am embarrassed enough as it is … and I won’t be alone. Lebo and Thuli are here. Go to work.

DUMI: (eyeing her suspiciously) Okay, if you insist …

Giving her a quick hug, he turns to leave for work. But, unwittingly, he leaves a file behind on the table.


Tell us: Why do you think Agnes wants Dumi to keep what he saw to himself, and refuses his help?