The interleading dining room and lounge of a modern home. Loud, excited chatter from a group of people as they enter the dining room. Enters Thuli (eight months pregnant), Eric, James, Agnes, and Lebo, all carrying removal boxes. Eric places his by the dining table and offers his pregnant wife a chair. The rest set their boxes on the table and floor and all take a quick look around the room in admiration.

LEBO: Wow, this is a really nice place James. We are sure going to enjoy living here. (winking)

DUMI: Definitely babe. (kissing her cheek)

JAMES: Yeah – just as long as we all remember that its temporary. (Putting his arm around his wife Agnes’ waist.) My wife and I will need some alone time at some point. (all laugh)

Thami walks in carrying a box and places it on the table.

THAMI: Well darlings, that is officially the last of the boxes and I am beat …

THULI: (giggling) Thami! That is the only box you carried.

THAMI: Let’s not get technical now darling.

AGNES: I know that we’re not done unpacking, but I think this calls for a little celebration.

JAMES: Definitely! I’ll go get the champagne. (leaves through door to kitchen)

ERIC: I can’t believe we’re not living in shitty apartments anymore! We’re all kick-starting our careers, and newly married, not to mention I can’t wait to hold my daughter in my arms. (embracing his wife)

James comes back with a tray with champagne and glasses, plus a glass of orange juice for Thuli.

THAMI: OMG! You two found out the sex of the baby? How cute. Congratulations!

JAMES: Seems we have a lot to celebrate. Here is to our amazing careers, fruitful relationships, living with friends in this beautiful home, and to Eric and Thuli’s baby girl.

They clink glasses and sip their champagne. The stage goes dark.


Tell us: Would you like to live in a house with other young, working people, like this? Why or why not?