The next morning, Mr Ngxaka is walking to the staff room with one of his friends, Mr Dalindyebo.
MR DALINDYEBO: I cannot wait for Friday. Remember that Amanda Black concert we are going to?
MR NGXAKA: Yeah, I just hope these little school girls will not be there.
MR DALINDYEBO: Ah, these girls are not little, Ngxaka, you are 22. They are in their last teenage years.
MR NGXAKA: It doesn’t mean I should party with them, though. I am a professional.
MR DALINDYEBO: You are really still new here. Just relax, man. These aren’t kids; some of them are grown women.
MR NGXAKA: Dude, I have already made the mistake of flirting with some of them. And in my defence, they are the ones who started flirting with me. Nonetheless, that doesn’t make it right.
MR DALINDYEBO: Just have fun, man.
MR NGXAKA: You seem to underestimate these kids. What if they report us?
MR DALINDYEBO: They wouldn’t, njayam. And you know why?
MR DALINDYEBO: Because if we are guilty, they are just as guilty as we are.
MR NGXAKA: I am pretty sure that is not the case, but I will let you be.
Tell us: Is Mr Dalindyebo telling the truth? Do schools hold teachers and students held equally responsible for inappropriate advances?