When the class ends, they have two other lessons, and then, when it is lunch break, Khalipha goes to Mr Ngxaka’s class for her detention. She is alone with him.

KHALIPHA: Good day, sir.

MR NGXAKA: Good day, Khalipha. It’s good to know you didn’t run away today. Why would you run away, Khalipha?

KHALIPHA: I didn’t. I mean…I had to, um…I am sorry, sir.

MR NGXAKA: No, say it. I want to know.


MR NGXAKA: Is this about our encounter on Tuesday? I am so sorry, Khalipha. I really didn’t mean to do that.

KHALIPHA: Thank you for that, but I just needed to take a walk alone yesterday because of the headache.

MR NGXAKA: OK…well, you can have your lunch, and then I will explain to you what I taught yesterday and today, seeing as you weren’t listening.

KHALIPHA: I am sorry, sir. I didn’t mean to be disrespectful. Also…we can start because I am not having lunch today.

MR NGXAKA: Why? Are you fasting?

KHALIPHA: (laughing nervously) No, sir. I forgot my lunch money.

MR NGXAKA: Oh. Well, I can lend you money, since I know you will not accept it for free.

KHALIPHA: Thanks, sir, but I am not hungry.

MR NGXAKA: OK, well then, have my lunch, and I will buy myself something.

KHALIPHA: As I said—

MR NGXAKA: Are you disobeying me, Khalipha?

KHALIPHA: No, sir. I am sorry.

MR NGXAKA: Stop apologising and start eating. I cannot teach you on an empty stomach.

After a few minutes, Khalipha is finished eating, and now she is sitting directly across from her teacher.

KHALIPHA: Thank you for your kindness, sir. Your food was nice.

MR NGXAKA: Thanks. Do you know how to cook?

KHALIPHA: I…don’t know, sir.

MR NGXAKA: Good answer. It would be embarrassing for you to say you can cook only to find out you can’t.


MR NGXAKA: I meant it as a joke, Khalipha. Are you OK today?

KHALIPHA: What do you mean, sir?

MR NGXAKA: You were sick yesterday, remember?

KHALIPHA: Oh, yes. I am…fine. Thank you, sir.

MR NGXAKA: You would tell me if you were trying to avoid me, right?

KHALIPHA: No—I mean, yes, sir.

MR NGXAKA: Your education is important to me, Khalipha. I don’t want you to miss my lessons because of me.

KHALIPHA: I wouldn’t do that, sir.

MR NGXAKA: Good. Now, let us get started.

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