The next morning, Khalipha goes to sit next to Alizwa during their maths session. Alizwa is angry with her.
KHALIPHA: Hey, bestie, how are you? Look, I am sorry about last night. I…was going through something that I am not yet ready to talk to you about.
ALIZWA: Since when do we keep secrets, Khalipha?
KHALIPHA: I am not keeping it a secret; I am just trying to make sense of it myself before I make it a thing.
ALIZWA: (loudly) Before you make it a thing? Are you dating now, Khalipha?
MR NGXAKA: (entering the class) Nobody wants to know about your dating tea, Alizwa and…your friend. Morning, class, you know the drill. I want my answers. Ngqobela, I told your friend to give you the homework. So, I want to see yours first.
KHALIPHA: (going to the teacher’s desk with her book) Good morning, sir. I couldn’t do it since I wasn’t in class.
MR NGXAKA: Great. Then, that calls for an hour of detention after school.
KHALIPHA: Sir, I cannot do it after school. May I please do two lunch breaks instead? Mom will be angry.
MR NGXAKA: Fine, but for the rest of you who were here yesterday, your detention is after school.
ALIZWA: (whispering) You would have your lunch breaks if you hadn’t chased me out yesterday.
KHALIPHA: Whatever. I forgot my pocket money for today anyway.
ALIZWA: Shame. Speaking of money, Amanda Black is coming into town next week, so we have to go to that concert.
KHALIPHA: Come on, Zwayi, you know I don’t like partying.
ALIZWA: Going to a music concert is not partying. Chill out. Plus, if you can’t ask your mom for money, I’ve got you covered.
MR NGXAKA: If you talk again, Ngqobela and Alizwa, you will come here and teach this class.
BOTH: Sorry, sir.
Tell us: Do you considering going to a concert “partying”? Why or why not?