Khalipha cries herself to sleep until the next day. When she attempts to ask Mr Ngxaka about what’s happening, the next day, he blocks her and continues ignoring her in class. Weeks go by, and Khalipha’s grades drop, together with her confidence. She cries herself to sleep every day, and months go by with Mr Ngxaka ignoring her, and it breaks her heart even more when Zesipho’s stomach starts showing. One day, she sees Zesipho sitting near the girls’ toilet, crying. She approaches her.
KHALIPHA: Hey, not that I care, but why are you crying?
ZESIPHO: Why else, if not your man?
KHALIPHA: He is not my man. He is your baby daddy. What did he do?
ZESIPHO: He denied the child when my parents and I went to his house in town. And my parents believed him because he was that convincing.
KHALIPHA: What? Why would he deny his child?
ZESIPHO: We were on a one-night stand. And he told me to abort the day you found out about my pregnancy.
KHALIPHA: That still doesn’t change the fact that he impregnated a schoolgirl. You are in Grade 11, for crying out loud. He is a professional; he should take responsibility for his actions. Why don’t you report him?
ZESIPHO: He is powerful. No one will believe me. What about you?
KHALIPHA: I deleted our chats when he blocked me, so I wouldn’t have proof. But you are carrying a child, Zesipho. He committed a crime by impregnating you; he deserves to be punished.
ZESIPHO: I will wait for him to come around.
KHALIPHA: He will not. Let us expose him.
KHALIPHA: For the sake of your child.
Tell us: Have you ever felt that people wouldn’t believe you if you told the truth? What happened?