Outside, on her way to the bathroom, she sees Mr Ngxaka smoking and drinking alone. Anxiety creeps in, and as she is about to turn and not pass in front of him, Mr Ngxaka spots her and tells her to stop.

KHALIPHA: Hello, Mr Ngxaka.

MR NGXALA: What are you doing here?

KHALIPHA: The same thing you are doing, sir.

MR NGXALA: Drinking?

KHALIPHA: (her eyes pop out) No, I meant watching Amanda Black.

MR NGXALA: Come sit next to me. Let us talk.

KHALIPHA: About what, sir? I left my friend inside.

MR NGXAKA: She will be fine. And stop calling me sir. This is a social space. I am not exactly trying to advertise the fact that I am a teacher.

KHALIPHA: I am sorry, but shouldn’t you be home mourning your father, sir?

MR NGXAKA: He doesn’t deserve that. I don’t want to talk about that. Let us talk about us…

KHALIPHA: Us, sir?

MR NGXAKA: It’s just Ngxaka, but yes, us.

KHALIPHA: You told me you were not into me.

MR NGXAKA: Did that hurt you?

KHALIPHA: No. I am not into you, either.

MR NGXAKA: Oh. I am sorry the other day I tried to kiss you. I was in a bad space as I had just told you that my father passed away.

KHALIPHA: I understand. It’s in the past now.

MR NGXAKA: (after some silence) That is why I like you.

KHALIPHA: Sir? I mean, Ngxaka.

MR NGXAKA: You are smart and mature. You are shy yet confident.

KHALIPHA: T…thank you.

MR NGXAKA: I know I am drunk right now, but I…like you, Khalipha. Can I see you tomorrow? When your mother has left for work, of course.


MR NGXAKA: You can trust me. You are always lonely in the evenings. Spend some time with me. I will not make you do anything you don’t want to do.

KHALIPHA: OK. You can come. I’ve got to go back inside now. Goodnight.

MR NGXAKA: Goodnight, nkosazana (to himself) yam.

Tell us: What do you think will happen next? Have you ever had a teacher make you feel uncomfortable like that? What did you do?