It is the Friday of the concert. Alizwa and Khalipha are all dressed up for Amanda Black, a famous musician.

KHALIPHA: What if Mom finds out I am here, Zwayi? What will I say?

ALIZWA: Come on, your mom works nights and comes back to sleep.

KHALIPHA: What if Sbukele is here too?

ALIZWA: Your brother will not snitch on you for coming to the same place he is at. Just stop worrying and have fun, chommie.

KHALIPHA: OK, fine, this dress is short, though.

ALIZWA: Just have fun! The dress is OK. Look (pointing at the stage) Amanda is making her entrance.

AMANDA: (as she walks on stage) Drifting. I am away, into the darkness, ndizothath’umthwalo ndiwubeke mqolo mama…

KHALIPHA: AAHH! I cannot believe I am seeing her for real! This feels so surreal!!

ALIZWA: (shouting over the noise) Stick with me, and I will take you places, my friend!

AMANDA: Vuleka, vuleka! Vuleka’amazulu, vulek’amazuluu…

KHALIPHA: (singing along) Vulek’amazulu!! I am giving, they’re taking. Trippin’ I am falling…

ALIZWA: Wow, where did my nerd friend go?

KHALIPHA: Argh, just let me be, man! I am having fun! Just like you said. Hey, I need to go to the bathroom. I will be back soon.

Tell us: What are your parents’ rules about going out at night?