Outside Martha Williams’ house. Annie and Lena are talking outside while they watch Fred and Shane help their father, Marcus, unload bags from the car.
Annie: The boys are getting so big.
Lena: Yeah, made from good stock, I guess.
Annie: Marcus keeps complaining they’re growing out of all their clothes too.
Lena: Well, Dad was tall, right?
Annie pauses.
Annie: Oh, you know, I must have you all come see my new gallery sometime. I’ve been working on a new collection, and I was considering dedicating it to Mom.
Lena: Oh, that’s wonderful, Annie. She’d be so touched. She’s been struggling these days. Really missing Dad.
Annie: Dad’s been gone for years though.
Lena: Yeah, and? He was her husband, the love of her life. Why wouldn’t she miss him?
Lena pauses. Zoe and her family drive up to the house.
Annie: Oh look, here’s Johnny.
Lena laughs.
Lena: I remember when he used to do that all the time to freak us out after watching that movie. A Jack Nicholson fan through and through.
Zoe’s family pulls into the driveway and Zoe jumps out.
Zoe: Finally, my legs are long gone.
Marcus: Hey, it’s my favourite niece!
Marcy: She’s your only niece, Marcus.
Marcus: Even more reason to spoil her rotten. Here, kiddo, I already gave the others some spending money.
He begins to take out his wallet to give Zoe some money, but Johnny stops him.
Johnny: That’s not necessary, Marcus.
Marcus: Oh come on, Daaaaad. Don’t be such a party pooper, huh, Zoes?
Marcy: Thank you, Marcus. Zoe, thank your uncle.
Zoe: Thank you, Uncle Marcus.
Johnny: She does get spending money from us.
Marcus: Yeah, but probably not lot—
Lena: Johnny!
Lena runs over and gives her big brother a hug, and Annie follows. Annie and Johnny hug for a long time.
Annie: Glad you came. I missed you. It’s been so long since we last caught up.
Johnny: Sorry.
Lena: Yeah, it’s like you flew the coop all over again. You should come visit us more often.
Johnny: How are you, sis?
Lena: Oh, you know, just getting our little brother and his strapping young boys to do all the manual labour.
Johnny: Careful, there are laws against child labour.
Fred and Shane come over to greet their uncle and his family.
Shane: Yeah, tell her, Uncle Johhny, this is like exploration!
Fred: You mean ‘exploitation’, dumbass.
Marcus: Hey, no name calling.
Fred: Zoinks, sorry dad.
Johnny hides a smirk and Zoe tries not to laugh. Marcy steps in.
Marcy: You boys have gotten so tall. I’m gonna need a stepladder soon.
Lena: Mmmmm. Gosh, don’t you think they look just like Dad?
Johnny tenses.
Johnny: Not sure.
Lena: Oh, sure they do, look at their eyes and their hair. They’re just like him.
Johnny: Hopefully not. (He pauses.) Hopefully they’re better looking.
Everyone laughs but Johnny is uncomfortable. Suddenly, the rest of the family spills out of the house.
Wilma: I’m the oldest, I get that room!
Daphne: No ways, since when was that the rule?
Wilma: I don’t wanna sleep with the babies!
Daphne: Dad!!! I am not bunking with the boys.
Marcus: Shhhh, jeez, enough, enough.
Lena: Kids, lets all just settle down. It’s quiet time now—
Marcus: Oh Lena, they aren’t toddlers.
Johnny: But they’re acting like it. Alright, enough! Girls bunk with girls. Boys bunk with boys, good?
Kids groan.
Marcus: He’s been here five minutes and he’s already calling the shots.
Johnny: Well, you weren’t getting anything done.
Martha comes forward.
Martha: Gerald? Gerald, honey, where’s John?
Lena: Mom, that’s John, remember?
Martha leans forward while John stays stoic.
Martha: Johnny. Sweetheart, you’re home.
Johnny: Hi, Mom.
They hug awkwardly.
Marcy: OK, everyone, let’s get inside.
They all leave but Martha pulls Zoe aside.
Martha: Annie, I think he’s still angry with me?
Zoe: Granny, I’m Zoe.
Annie comes over.
Annie: Come on, Mom. Let’s get you inside. We’re gonna start supper soon.
Martha: Will John be there? I think he’s still angry with me? I know, I’ll make him his favourite.
Zoe stands alone, confused.
Tell us: What do you think is going on? Have you ever had a loved one who started losing their memory? How did your family cope with it?