It is early next morning. Thando is in bed, covered by warm blankets and duvets. Her mother sits at the edge of the bed watching her sleep.

MAMA: (softly) It’s time for school but you don’t have to go today. You can stay in today.

THANDO: (getting up to sitting on the bed) I’m going to go.

MAMA: You need some time to rest. A lot happened yesterday.

THANDO: I know but we don’t have to run and hide anymore.

MAMA: You’re right, we don’t.

THANDO: That means I can go to school and make friends and I won’t leave them in a few weeks.

MAMA: Yes.

THANDO: Then I want to go to school so I can start making friends that I can introduce to you and Ma’khulu and Ta’mkhulu.

MAMA: Okay then sweetheart, vuka and get ready for school.

Thando jumps out of bed and takes her uniform from the wardrobe.

THANDO: I’m even excited to wear this ugly thing.

They laugh.

MAMA: You are the bravest girl I know. Thank you sthandwa sam, my love.

THANDO: Thank you for protecting me all this time.

MAMA: I am your mother. It is my job.

They smile at one another and Thando starts to get dressed.

Tell us: Did you enjoy this Chattalogue/play? Did you act it out with some friends?