QUEEN AYANA: Ma Kwame, I understand your intentions, but we cannot allow Naledi’s wings to be fully revealed. The risk is too great. We must continue shaving them down, even if it means doing it more often, weekly if necessary.
MAKWAME: I understand your fears, Queen Ayana. But I also believe that the more we deny Naledi’s true nature, the harder it will be for her to control her wings when they inevitably assert themselves. We must trust in her and in our people’s capacity to evolve.
QUEEN AYANA: It is just like you, to entertain thisβ¦.nonsense. I don’t know why I expected anything different. I understand that against my orders, you have somewhat encouraged the princess to believe she should stop clipping her wings.
MAKWAME: But Queen Motherβ¦
QUEEN AYANA: And that is where you are wrong. This thing is happening to my daughter, causing her pain. You don’t have to sit in her bed and rock her to sleep because of the pain from this disease. I have seen my daughter cry more than I have seen her smile.
MAKWAME: If we just let them grow, the pain will subside.
QUEEN AYANA: Are you so sure? You keep on trying to undermine my rule when all I want –
Their argument is interrupted as the door bursts open, and NALEDI enters the chamber covered in a large blanket.
NALEDI: (breathing heavily): I’m sorry… I heard you arguing…
MAMBATHA, who had been standing to the side, steps forward with a worried expression.
MAMBATHA: Naledi, my child, are you alright?
NALEDI:Ma, I no longer want to clip away my wings. I agree with MaKwame, I think I should let them grow.
Ma Mbatha removes the blanket to see Naledi’s large wings.
MAKWAME (astonished): Naledi, my dear. Your wings.
QUEEN AYANA gently pulls her into a reassuring embrace.QUEEN AYANA gives a stern look to MAKWAME
MAKWAME: As usual, Naledi. We’ll guide you through this, step by step. Don’t forget to breathe. Relax as best you can. You can do this princess.
As they begin to give Naledi the medicine and clip Naledi’s wings, the room fills with tense silence. But just as Naledi’s wings start to recede, a sudden gust of wind sweeps through the room, extinguishing the candles and causing a chaotic rush of air.
MAMBATHA: Is everyone alright?
Before anyone can answer, NALEDI’s wings burst forth, their growth seemingly uncontrollable. The force of their emergence throws MAKWAME, MAMBATHA, and QUEEN AYANA to the floor.
NALEDI(in pain): No! Stop!
QUEEN AYANA (whispering): We’re doing this to protect you, Naledi. Please understand.
NALEDI: I’m sorry Ma, I cannot do this anymore. I know you want me to be something else. But I cannot stand the pain anymore. I think this is who I am
QUEEN AYANA approaches Naledi
NALEDI: Ma please don’t. If you’re going to keep doing this to me, I have to leave.
QUEEN AYANA: Naledi, you cannot leave. Where will you go?
NALEDI is silent
QUEEN AYANA: Naledi, come here. I can protect you here, but if you leave you will be all alone. How will you survive?
QUEEN AYANA tries to grab NALEDI
QUEEN AYANA: Don’t fight this Naledi. We need to do this for your safety.
In a state of hysteria, NALEDI rushes out of the room, her wings fully outstretched. She bursts through the palace doors and takes to the sky, her wings propelling her upwards with astonishing speed.
Naledi soars through the sky, her wings carrying her farther and farther from the village. She flies for days, the sun and moon becoming her only companions. Exhaustion sets in, and finally, with a faint cry, she plummets from the sky.
Naledi crashes into a lush, unfamiliar landscape, her wings spread wide. She lies there, breathing heavily. Darkness. We hear the sounds of people and the sights and sounds of cameras flashing. As the camera flashes, we get glimpses of Naledi hanging by her wings in a frame.
PRESENTER:Come one and Come all. Today my compatriots, I have prepared for you an amazing surprise. A sighting of a lifetime!
Lights shine on Naledi in the frame. Her wings are larger than life. The people speak in awe and take more and more pictures.