Outside the royal palace. Years have passed since the queens had last sought the counsel of the elders. Naledi is having fun: playing outside, and chasing an insect. Queen Ayana enters

QUEEN AYANA: Naledi, dear, it is not befitting of a princess to play with insects. You ought to be attending your lessons in poise and etiquette.

NALEDI: But Ma, the insect is my friend. It’s harmless.

QUEEN AYANA: Mntanam, as much as I understand your fascination with creatures, it’s time you learn to prioritise your responsibilities. One day you will be queen, but to be a great queen you must go to your lessons.

NALEDI: Well if being queen means I have to go to boring lessons, then I don’t want to be queen.

QUEEN AYANA: Naledi. You do not speak to me like that. I am your mother, not your friend.

QUEEN AYANA steps on the insect, killing it.


QUEEN AYANA: Stop playing with insects and go to your lessons. Now.

NALEDI begins to cry.

As NALEDI cries, her back begins to arch awkwardly. Her cries became more intense.

QUEEN AYANA: Naledi? What’s wrong?

NALEDI: Ma, it hurts.

QUEEN AYANA takes Naledi in her arms, she notices that Naledi’s wings are growing again and starts to comfort her.

QUEEN AYANA: Shhh, Don’t worry my love, we will go to the elders. They’ll know what to do.