Kayla and Tari walk into the matric house party with smiles on their faces. Tari starts to wave and greet people while Kayla looks around nervously.
TARI: I can’t believe this. We’re almost the only Grade 11s here. I feel like a VIP.
KAYLA: What did you say? It’s so loud. And this dress of yours is too tight. I feel like a mummy wrapped in bandages. I can barely breathe. Is that normal?
TARI: It’s called a bodycon dress, Kayla. And it looks amazing on you.
KAYLA: I would have been more comfortable in jeans.
TARI: Shut up! Just be your lovely self and get ready for a good evening. I’m going to say hello to the prefects. If we make friends I can avoid getting detention this year.
Tari gives Kayla a hug and runs away in excitement. Kayla finds a corner and rests against the wall, people-watching. She looks down and starts to pick at her nails nervously.
DANIELLE: You alright?
KAYLA: Huh? What did you say?
DANIELLE: I asked if you were okay. You seem anxious.
KAYLA: Damn. I was supposed to look cool and relaxed.
DANIELLE: In my experience, cool and relaxed people don’t stand in corners at parties without talking to anyone. But then again, it could help you come across as mysterious. Is that what you’re going for?
KAYLA: At this point, I’m just surprised I’m even here.
DANIELLE: So you don’t party much?
KAYLA: Not so much these last few months. I’ve been trying to stay away from trouble.
DANIELLE: So what brought you here then?
KAYLA: Peer pressure mostly. And an uber.
Danielle laughs and Kayla relaxes.
KAYLA: That was a bad joke. But to be fair, it was my first one for the evening. Just a warm-up really. Wait and see, I’ll say something hilarious later and redeem myself.
DANIELLE: Can’t wait.
KAYLA: You’re a matric, right? You’re always going up for awards and getting honorary mentions for your volunteer work in assembly. You’re quite the over-achiever and do-gooder, aren’t you?
DANIELLE: Yep, that’s me, at your service. I haven’t saved any cats from trees lately. But hopefully, I can still get an honorary mention from you. You’re Kayla, right?
KAYLA: Indeed. Maybe talking to an anxious Grade 11 can be your charity work for the evening.
DANIELLE: Was that the second joke?
KAYLA: If you have to ask, then it must not have been too good.
DANIELLE: You’re too hard on yourself. I thought it was funny. But anyway, this isn’t charity. I usually take this spot in the corner, so I had to greet you before I politely ask you to make some room.
KAYLA: You don’t strike me as the type to sit in the corner at a party. Surely the matric class’s top academic performer and sports star isn’t nervous?
DANIELLE: It’s not nervousness so much as boredom. Don’t get me wrong, I love to have a good time, but Byron’s parties are usually too wild for me. The constant jols tire me out. I prefer wholesome stuff, like this conversation for example.
KAYLA: You know, I agree. If it weren’t for Byron’s persistence, I would probably be at home reading.
DALE: Byron invited you?
Suddenly, Byron pushes past Danielle and lifts Kayla off the ground in a big hug. Kayla squeals and laughs in surprise. Danielle looks concerned.
BYRON: You made it! And you even dressed up. I’ll have to keep the dogs away from you, looking like that. Take my arm and I’ll protect you.
DANIELLE: But who will protect her from you, Byron?
KAYLA: I can keep him in check.
BYRON: You see? She can handle herself. No need to spout your social justice speeches here. It’s a party, relax. She’s in good hands. Now come on Kayla, let me show you around.
Byron gestures for Kayla to follow him. Danielle quickly grabs Kayla before she walks away.
DANIELLE: Listen, I know we only just met and this isn’t really my place, but be careful with Byron. I’ve known him for years, and he’s got a bad temper. He’s also got this bad habit of being way too forward with girls he likes.
KAYLA: You know, I’ve been pretty cynical about men lately too. But I’m doing this thing where I try to be open-minded. You saw me earlier, I was a nervous wreck. Byron is fun and friendly. I think he could be a good influence on me.
DANIELLE: Well, be careful. Cynicism can keep a girl safe sometimes.
KAYLA: Don’t worry, I just want to get to know him. I’m sure it’s fine.
Kayla hesitates, and then gives Danielle a long hug.
KAYLA: Anyway, I should go. Thanks for the chat, Danielle, it was really nice meeting you. You made me feel more at ease.
Byron pulls Kayla onto the dance floor and hands her a drink. They laugh and dance. After a few minutes, he leads her to another room in the house.
BYRON: So, finally we have some space. I’ve been waiting to hang out alone with you all night. And you’re a surprisingly good dancer. Is there anything else I don’t know about you?
KAYLA: Actually, there’s a lot you still don’t know about me. But now you can get to know me better. That’s what you said you wanted right?
BYRON: Right. That, and a kiss.
Byron leans in to kiss Kayla. Kayla gets surprised and turns her cheek to Byron, pushing him away.
KAYLA: Wait, don’t you think it’s a bit too soon to pull that on me? We’ve barely spoken tonight.
BYRON: Now, Kayla, come on. I know you want to kiss me.
KAYLA: No actually, I don’t. Not right now. I won’t let a guy take advantage of me.
BYRON: I’m not taking advantage, I’m just trying to have a little fun.
Byron tries again to kiss Kayla. She lets him kiss her, but she pulls back when he touches her breasts.
BYRON: You’re hot, Kayla. Just enjoy it. I don’t have a condom, but that doesn’t matter. You’ll be okay.
KAYLA: Get off of me, Byron. You’re being so arrogant. A kiss is far enough. I’m not going to have sex with you, especially not without a condom.
BYRON: Jeez, what’s your problem? Stop being so uptight. Here, have another drink to loosen you up.
KAYLA: NO means NO. And having sex without a condom is dangerous. It can lead to serious health problems.
BYRON: What? Why are you passing up this chance? A girl like you should be happy to be alone with me.
KAYLA: A girl ‘like me’? What are you saying? You think you’re too good for me just because I’m HIV positive?
BYRON: A girl ‘like me’? What are you saying? You think you’re too good for me just because–Wait. What did you just say?
Kayla freezes up and covers her mouth quickly. She grabs her things and stands up.
KAYLA: I said screw you.
Kayla runs out of the room crying. She calls her mom, asking her to fetch her as soon as possible.
Tell us: are you surprised by Kayla’s secret?