Kayla and Tari are standing in line waiting for the assembly to start.

TARI: I swear on my life, Kayla. This year is going to be our year. There’s no way we’re going to let Grade 11 swallow us. We’re going to make friends, go to parties and make a ton of memories. I’ve been waiting for this moment for years, and now it’s here!

KAYLA: Tari, I think you’re forgetting that Grade 11 is also the beginning of a very intense academic period. We have to do well in our exams if we’re going to get into university.

TARI: Okay, well, yes, there’s also that. But it’s the first day of school. I think that right now we should prioritise our social lives. My mom told me this morning that this is the time for us to leave our cocoons. Don’t you wanna be a butterfly? Spread those wings, sweetie! The whole Grade 11 class deserves to see that cool, funny side of you that I know so well.

KAYLA: Okay, okay. Don’t hype me up too much. My head might float off with all of the dreams you’re trying to sell me. Anyway, you’re the one with the budding social life. I just want good marks and no drama this year. Besides, I’d personally prefer to stay in my cocoon for a while longer. The last time I tried to butterfly, my wings got clipped.

TARI: Ugh. I’m sorry you ever had to deal with that guy. He’s such an… an idiot. I would use a stronger word for that macho meathead, but there are prefects nearby. If he was still at this school I would give him a piece of my mind. Nobody can mess with my friend like that. Somebody should release a public warning against that guy.

KAYLA: Whatever. I don’t really want to talk about it. You can’t trust these guys anyway. The whole Grade 11 and Grade 12 class is full of creeps and womanisers. They’re not worth my time. I’m just glad that I have you.

TARI: Of course you have me! Through thick and thin. We’re practically sisters, right?

KAYLA: Right. This year, we’re going to protect each other.

TARI: Absolutely. But I do still think that you should give romance another shot. I’m not saying that you need to find the love of your life, but you could be a little more open-minded. There are some really nice people in our grade! We need to branch out and explore our options.

KAYLA: Hm. Sorry, Tari, but I’m not very convinced. Sure, there are lots of cool people to make friends with. And I swear I’ll make an effort to keep an open mind about my social life this year. But when it comes to boys, I really don’t see much hope.

TARI: Really? Are you sure? Because Byron is walking this way right now.

Tari adjusts her hair and smiles widely. Kayla looks up and her eyes widen in shock. Byron strolls past slowly as the rest of the Grade 12 class walks by. He stops in front of Kayla and Tari.

BYRON: Hey girls, welcome back. You’re both looking very good this year.

TARI: Hey Byron. How does it feel to be a matric?

BYRON: Ah, same old same old. Except for the matric blazer, that’s new. I just got all of my sports colours sewn on. What do you think?

Byron looks at Kayla waiting for a response. Tari nudges Kayla but Kayla looks the other way.

TARI: Very impressive.

BYRON: And Kayla, what do you think? Do I look impressive enough to get a compliment from you too?

Kayla sighs and looks Byron in the eyes.

KAYLA: To be perfectly honest, I’ve seen better. Maybe I’ll be more impressed when you get some academic merits on your blazer.

Byron laughs loudly.

BYRON: Sjoe, tough crowd on this side, hey? Have you always been this sassy or are you just putting on a show for me?

KAYLA: No show, just the honest truth. You can handle that, right? Or is it too big a blow to your ego?

Tari giggles. Byron looks surprised.

BYRON: My my, finally a little bit of banter from the wallflower. You know, Kayla, it’s about time somebody put me in my place. Maybe you can help keep me grounded this weekend too. The matric class is throwing a house party to kick off the year this Friday. Will you two be so kind as to join? Otherwise, I might be tempted to misbehave.

KAYLA: I’ll most likely be busy. Sorry.

TARI: Yes, that’s right, we actually had plans already. But if things change, maybe we can pop in to keep an eye on you.

BYRON: Come on Tari, I know you can convince her to join. It’s at my house, I’ll DM you the details.

KAYLA: Don’t count on it.

BYRON: Well, if you feel like having some fun for once, then feel free to join us. I’d love to hear more from you regarding my apparently massive ego. And maybe in the process, we can get to know each other better. Until then, enjoy your first day of Grade 11, ladies.

Byron walks away. Tari’s jaw drops.

TARI: You totally just flirted with the hottest guy in the matric class.

KAYLA: Tari, that wasn’t flirting. I was trying to get rid of him.

TARI: Oh please, you were playing hard to get and he loved it. I saw you blushing when he looked at you – don’t pretend you weren’t.

KAYLA: Sure, he’s attractive. But like I said, I don’t want drama.

TARI: Byron’s party doesn’t spell out drama. It spells out fun. F. U. N. When last did we have fun together!? You were moping around the whole of December, isolating yourself from me and everyone else. I know that guy hurt you, but you can’t let him ruin this year too. It’s not worth it.

Kayla lets out a deep sigh and shakes her head. Tari tries to make eye contact with her.

KAYLA: I know that I’ve been quiet lately, but I needed to clear my head after everything that happened. I was really hurt, and there was some other stuff I had to deal with.

TARI: What stuff?

KAYLA: It doesn’t matter. Things are better now, but I don’t know if I’m ready to put myself out there again.

TARI: I get it. But you also won’t know until you try. Byron said that he wants to hang out with you. He’s nice, and his friends are so cool. If we go to that party then we can experience something new, something different. I know you. I know how social and charming you really are. Don’t you want to see what happens when you show that side of yourself?

Byron turns from the front row of the assembly and smiles at Kayla. Kayla blushes and drops her head shyly.

TARI: Oh come on, look at that! Tell me you don’t wanna kiss him.

KAYLA: I guess he is nice.

TARI: Exactly! So let’s go to his party!

KAYLA: Fine. But you better have something for me to wear.

Tell us: what do you think of the girls’ friendship?