
It may surprise you, but young women and girls have a much higher rate of contracting HIV infections than males of the same age. This is largely because of the way in which HIV is transmitted through sex, gender inequality, sexual abuse and violence, and social/cultural norms. Most important is that girls and women feel EMPOWERED with knowledge about the disease, as well as by challenging inequality between men and women. Men and boys too need to be educated and made to take responsibility for their roles in the spread of HIV.

Bina and Cynthia are doing the best they can in the situation: by getting an abortion, she is ensuring she and her family will have a future one day, and that she might live a healthy young life. Cynthia is doing the best thing by being supportive and not judgmental of her good friend.

Bina, however, is surprised by how easily she could have been exposed to the HIV infection. She was so concerned with hurting Desmond’s feelings, that she didn’t think of the risk it posed to her own life. Desmond, who has been on ARVs since he was young, is probably aware that he is unlikely to spread HIV to Bina if he has taken his medication regularly – but he does not know that she does not already have it and can spread it to him! And Bina does not know that Desmond is not telling the truth. Both put themselves at great risk.

Agnes, who herself contracted HIV at a young age, and also found herself a single parent, was filled with anger with herself for letting it happen, even though the blame is not hers alone. People deal with pain differently, and Agnes was blinded by fear and anger with girls who reminded her of herself. Finally, Agnes was so fixated on the girls’ responsibility that she did not realise that her own son was causing so much harm through his irresponsible sexual behaviour.

In the end, things ended well. Bina did not need to spend the rest of her life taking medication, and Agnes reconsidered her attitude. It is incredible what the right support and knowledge can give you in a dire situation!