Narrator: Later that day Keitumetse is at home and Lesego arrives. He picks up the contract for the tender on the table.

Lesego: (Excited) So is this it then? The deal is done?

Keitumetse: Yes … that’s it.

Narrator: Lesego hugs Keitumetse. He is very happy but Keitumetse is not. She wishes she had never agreed to do any of this.

Lesego: We are on our way now! We’re going to be rich! This is really great, Baby. We are going to be seriously set now.

Keitumetse: (Angry) Is it? Is it great?

Lesego: What do you mean? Of course! We won’t have to worry about money again. We’ll get a house. Toto can go to a private school. We could even get married.

Keitumetse: So, it’s so easy like that for you? So easy to just do this thing?

Lesego: What thing? It’s just a small thank-you for him helping you. What is wrong with you? It’s nothing. Quit being an idiot. Wake up, this is how it is done!

Keitumetse: (Angry) It might seem like nothing to you, but it is something to me. I don’t do these sorts of things! You push and push for things that we can’t afford, make me feel as if I’m not doing enough, but what have you done, Lesego? What have you had to do? What have you sacrificed for us?

Lesego: Baby, why are you being like this? I thought we were partners … I thought that we’re together in all of this.

Keitumetse: What kind of partners are we? You only want to be partners when the food comes out, when it’s time to eat! When it’s time to work, where are you?

Lesego: What do you want me to do? You need to seriously chill. Get over this stuff. So you sacrificed a few of your high morals. So what?!

Keitumetse: That might mean nothing to you, but it means a lot to me! The fact that you take it all so lightly, makes me wonder what sort of man you are, Lesego. You have no idea what the cost of that tender is going to be to me. No idea!

Narrator: Keitumetse leaves and goes off to her bedroom. Lesego sits, confused about what just happened.