Narrator: Keitumetse is so confused about what to do. She knows what Letsholo is asking her to do is illegal. But what if all of the companies are doing such things? She doesn’t know. She decides to tell Lesego everything that night when he gets home. Maybe he can help her decide what to do.
Keitumetse: You were right. Mr Letsholo expects me to give him a bribe, a kickback, for making sure I get the tender.
Lesego: I knew it.
Keitumetse: I felt sick when he was talking. He wants me to give him R300 000.
Lesego: It’s nothing; the tender is millions. You’ll be fine. Just pay him.
Keitumetse: Pay him? But it’s illegal! I could get caught and go to jail. It’s wrong.
Lesego: No-one gets caught. It’s how it is done. It’s the price of doing business with these big companies and with government. Everyone knows that.
Keitumetse: I don’t know that. It’s wrong. It’s unfair.
Lesego: You’re being stupid. This is how it works. You should count yourself lucky, now you’re in! Now you know how to do this thing. It’s time for us to eat now. It’s good.
Keitumetse: I’m scared of all this.
Lesego: There’s nothing to be scared of. This guy knows how to do things so no-one gets caught. You’ll be fine.
Narrator: Lesego leaves and Keitumetse’s phone rings. She answers and it’s Gorata.
Gorata: Hey Girl, so how did it go today? Did you hand in the tender?
Keitumetse: Sure … yes … I handed it in.
Gorata: And Letsholo, did he try anything?
Narrator: Keitumetse hesitates. She doesn’t know what to do, what to say.
Keitumetse: Letsholo? No … you were right. He just wanted to make sure I submitted the tender and didn’t chicken out. Nothing funny at all. I greeted him, put my tender in the box, and now we wait and cross fingers I win it.
Gorata: Well, that’s a relief to hear! I’m sure you have a good chance. I’ll be praying you get it.
Keitumetse: Thanks, Gorata. You’re a good friend.