Narrator: Keitumetse goes to Intel Telecoms to submit her documents for the cleaning tender. As she was instructed, she passes by Mr Letsholo’s office.
Letsholo: Good morning, Keitumetse. Come in. It’s great to see you again.
Keitumetse: I came to submit my tender. Again, thank you for letting me know about it so I could submit. It’s a real opportunity for me.
Letsholo: Let me have a look.
Narrator: Keitumetse hands Letsholo the paperwork. He goes through it.
Letsholo: This looks good. I don’t think there will be a problem getting it through.
Keitumetse: What does that mean?
Letsholo: I mean … the tender is yours. It’s just … perhaps there’s a small matter to attend to.
Keitumetse: What sort of matter?
Letsholo: Just a sort of … thank you. From you to me.
Keitumetse: I … I don’t think I understand.
Letsholo: Let me be clear. The tender is R3,2 million. You can give me a small amount, only R300 000, when the tender is awarded to you. When you get the money, you pay me off.
Keitumetse: I … I don’t know … it sounds like maybe that’s illegal.
Letsholo: Do you want to win the tender or not?
Keitumetse: But I … I … can you give me time to think about this? I’m not used to all of these things.
Letsholo: Sure. One day. You give me your answer tomorrow.
Narrator: Keitumetse leaves the office. Only when she is outside does she realise that her hands are shaking.