Narrator: That evening Keitumetse can hardly wait for Lesego to get home from work. She is desperate to tell him her good news. When he arrives, she meets him at the door.
Lesego: What’s going on? You never meet me at the door anymore.
Keitumetse: I have fantastic news! Come sit down. You are going to be just as happy as me just now.
Narrator: Lesego sits down and Keitumetse sits next to him. She shows him the tender documents.
Keitumetse: I got this today from Intel Telecoms. It’s a tender for cleaning their offices … a tender worth R3,2 million. I’m going to apply for it.
Narrator: Lesego looks over the document.
Lesego: That’s good but you still need to submit it. They’ll choose from the companies that submitted. But it’s good that you’re thinking bigger.
Keitumetse: There’s a man there who says that Intel Telecoms likes supporting young entrepreneurs like me … he acted nearly as if I got it, that all I had to do is submit.
Lesego: That sounds hopeful.
Keitumetse: I’ll be able to rehire the workers I retrenched and even give all of my workers a wage increase. It will be a real game changer for the business.
Lesego: Well don’t forget about us … we need money too.
Keitumetse: I won’t forget about us at all. That’s why I’m doing this. The first money I get will go for a down payment on the house that you want.
Lesego: That sounds perfect! Let’s make sure your guy pulls the right strings for you.
Keitumetse: No, it’s not like that. He’s not pulling any strings. I’m going to compete just like all of the companies that submit for the tender. I just understood that it was like a sort of affirmative action for young entrepreneurs, like a programme at Intel Telecoms.
Lesego: Okay Keitumetse … whatever you say.
Keitumetse: I don’t like what you’re insinuating.
Lesego: Yeah okay, whatever Babe. Listen I’m going out.
Narrator: Keitumetse watches Lesego leave and wonders if she has got all of this wrong. She has been so happy about it all, and now she isn’t sure what to think about it.