Narrator: The next week Keitumetse appeared at Intel Telecoms for her meeting with Mr Letsholo.
Letsholo: Hello Keitumetse. I’m so happy to see you again.
Keitumetse: I’m happy you had some time in your schedule.
Letsholo: You’re actually here at just the right time. Intel Telecoms is about to release the tender for cleaning services for the entire building. It’s a tender worth R3,5 million and I really think your company is perfect for it.
Keitumetse: R3,5 million? We’re a small business; we usually just clean houses.
Letsholo: There’s nothing different about cleaning an office and cleaning a house. You’ll do fine.
Narrator: Letsholo produces a document from his desk drawer and hands it to Keitumetse.
Letsholo: We haven’t released the tender yet, but I got a special copy for you. When you prepare your tender, don’t submit it to the reception as it says. Instead, bring it to me.
Keitumetse: You really are being so kind, Letsholo. Thank you.
Letsholo: It’s fine, Keitumetse. We at Intel Telecoms have passion for young entrepreneurs like you. We just want to help you out, is all.
Narrator: Keitumetse takes the documents and shakes Letsholo’s hand.
Keitumetse: I’ll work on it and get it back to you next week. I promise I won’t let you down when you have such faith in me.
Letsholo: I’m sure you won’t.
Narrator: Keitumetse walks down the street in front of the office building with a big smile. Finally she is getting the break that she needs! She can’t believe how perfectly everything is working out. Now they would be able to buy their house, and even more. Things are seriously looking up.
Tell us: An honest tender system gives every applicant a fair chance of winning the work contract. They are judged on their work plan, costings and legitimacy in terms of business practices. This applies to tenders in the public and the private sector alike. Do you believe Letsholo has bent the rules for Keitumetse because she is a young entrepreneur? What has he said or done that might not be ethical or fair? If what he has done is not fair, what is he after?