Narrator: Keitumetse and Gorata are leaving the hair salon where they have just had their hair done.
Gorata: Do you have time for a drink before you go home?
Keitumetse: Sure, that sounds great.
Narrator: As they’re walking to the pub down the street, Keitumetse’s phone rings and she answers it.
Keitumetse: (Into phone) Hello? … Okay … yes … that’s good. Thanks. Yes, we’ll speak later.
Narrator: Keitumetse puts her phone away. Gorata is looking at her because Keitumetse has gone all quiet and has stopped walking.
Gorata: Are you alright?
Keitumetse: (Stunned) I think so.
Gorata: What is it? Who was on the phone?
Keitumetse: It was Letsholo.
Gorata: What did he want? You look like you’ve just seen a ghost. What’s going on?
Keitumetse: I got the tender.
Gorata: What?! You got the tender?
Keitumetse: Yes, I’m supposed to go to Intel tomorrow to sign the contract.
Narrator: Gorata hugs Keitumetse. She’s very excited but Keitumetse is still stunned and not reacting.
Gorata: This is so fantastic! You really deserve this, Keitumetse. You’ve worked so hard.
Keitumetse: Yes … yes, you’re right …
Gorata: What’s wrong? You should be excited.
Keitumetse: I am. I am excited. It’s just all so sudden. It’s going to change our lives, all of us. My workers and me, everything will be different for all of us now.
Gorata: Yes! In a good way. You should be happy.
Keitumetse: Yes, you’re right. Sorry … I’m just getting used to the idea of not having to struggle so hard. Yes … I deserve this, you’re right. I’ve worked hard.
Gorata: That’s the spirit! And now we need to celebrate! Let’s go!
Narrator: Finally Keitumetse smiles. She and Gorata continue on to the pub. It is time to have a celebration.