Mom: It’s late, girls. Please get into bed.
Mom and Bree enter Lena’s room. Lena’s watching TikToks.
Lena: Ooh, an avocado peeler. We need one of those. (Lena looks at her mom and sister.) We should get one of those.
Lena goes back to TikTok. Mom’s phone rings. Lena pays no attention to the conversation and begins laughing at a video. Mom gets off the phone and breaks down.
Mom: Uncle Jesse’s passed away.
Lena looks at Bree and signals her to comfort Mom. Lena just stares at the two consoling each other.
Lena: So, are we going to go to Granny now? It’s late. We’ll get a fine for leaving the house. Unless you have a permit to leave.
Bree: Lena!
Lena: What? It’s still lockdown.
Mom: Yes, we’re going to Granny.
Mom and Bree leave. Lena hears the girls sobbing. Tia’s screaming. Lena stares into the abyss, her face completely expressionless.
A montage of the funeral day plays out. Tia and Sienna are crying as Bree tries to console them. Mom weeps with Granny. Grandad simply sits. Lena watches everyone’s grieving around her. She grabs two pills from her pill bottle. Her hands shake as she brings the water up to her mouth. She sighs, smiles, and continues to slick her hair back into a high pony.
Tell us: What do you think is going on with Lena?