Nangomso’s had a crush on the most popular boy in school for years, and at last gets attention from him. She is pulled into the world of ‘popularity’ and soon is skipping school for a party – during the pandemic! When her crush’s ex comes back into the picture, things take a turn for the worse.
NANGOMSO LUKHALO: Dedicated student and prefect
PRINCE: Most popular boy in school
SAMKELISWA: Nangomso’s best friend
LEROY: Prince’s best friend and one of the popular kids
NOLUTHO: Nangomso’s over-protective mother
PRINCIPAL NAIDOO: The strict principal of Northcliff High School
MRS CLINTON: The Life Sciences teacher
AMANDA: Mean girl at school, head of the Matric Dance Committee
LERATO: Amanda’s best friend and partner in crime
MS LUKHELE: The Life Sciences substitute teacher
HARRIET SCOTT: The inquisitive student in the class