It is early in the morning the day of Sibusiso’s funeral. Esihle is dressed in black while her mother prepares her for what she needs to do.
ESIHLE: Do I have to do this, Mama?
NOLUTHANDO: Yes, he was your twin. Think of it this way: the two of you were connected, and to protect yourself from any harm coming to you, you need to do this.
ESIHLE: But lying in a grave?
NOLUTHANDO: It’s custom, my child, if you don’t, something bad may happen to you.
ESIHLE: And then I can’t come when he is laid to rest?
NOLUTHANDO: I know this seems unfair, but it is for your protection. You’ll get to visit his grave in time.
Esihle is led to the grave and her mother is driven back home. She is helped into the grave and she lies in it.
ESIHLE: (whispering to herself) I’m fine, still breathing, I’m alive. I’m OK, I’m here and I’m alive. I’m not abandoned, I’m safe.
A hand reaches inside, and she is pulled out.
Esihle is in her brother’s room going through his things and comes across a box labeled ‘Zukisani’.
ESIHLE: (muttering) What is Sibu doing with Zuks’ stuff?
She opens the box and finds a couple of jackets and jeans. At the bottom of the box, she finds something wrapped in a dirty cloth. She unwraps it and is shocked to find a gun. Someone calls for her to take tea to her mother and she jumps. She quickly stuffs the gun in her skirt’s waistband.
ESIHLE: I’m coming, Aunty.
Esihle comes into the living room with a cup of tea. She is staring off into space and takes the cup of tea absentmindedly. Esihle gives her a worried look.
ESIHLE: Ma, please, say something, it’s been four days and you won’t say a word.
She stares at her blankly and Esihle sighs.
NOLUTHANDO: He suffered, didn’t he?
Esihle can’t respond.
NOLUTHANDO: Why don’t I deserve to have my sons stay with me? Why must I lose all the men in my life? Losing your father broke me, but this has taken the last of what was holding me together.
ESIHLE: You still have me, Ma. I’m here for you and for now I’ll hold you together until you’re able to do it yourself again.
They embrace and cry silently. They are interrupted by Vivian and Bongani.
VIVIAN: Hello Noluthando and Esihle. We came to pay our respects so you know that we share in your pain.
BONGANI: It’s horrible what happened to your son. (emotionally) If only that Thabiso had told the truth that he hid the money, none of this would have happened. I am so sorry, this is all my—
His mother nudges him, cutting him off.
VIVIAN: What my son is trying to say is that this is a tragedy and we want you to know that we are here should you need support.
NOLUTHANDO: Thank you, we appreciate you coming.
ESIHLE: How can you be so nice to them? It’s their fault Sibu is dead.
NOLUTHANDO: Esihle, how can you say that?
ESIHLE: Because it’s the truth. They accused Sibu and watched as he was being beaten to death.
VIVIAN: I understand that you are in pain and hurt, but what happened isn’t our fault.
Esihle pulls out the gun and points it right at Vivian. Both Vivian and Noluthando scream. Bongani slowly stands.
BONGANI: Esihle, you don’t want to do this, please, give me the gun.
NOLUTHANDO: Where did you get a gun, Esihle?
ESIHLE: It doesn’t matter where I got the gun. (She turns the gun to Bongani.) Admit that it was your fault! You killed my brother for nothing.
BONGANI: We did know he wasn’t involved, we believed what Thabiso told us.
ESIHLE: (sobbing) I told you he didn’t do it! Why wouldn’t you listen to me? He was my brother and he was sweet and caring and loved me more than anything and you took him away from me. He was going back to school to finish his degree. He had a future and so many plans, but now they’ve all gone up in smoke because of you. Why?
She falls to her knees weeping. Bongani quickly grabs the gun and tosses it aside. He then takes her in his arms and weeps too.
BONGANI: What happened was a tragic mistake. Sibusiso didn’t deserve what happened to him. Thabiso may be in jail, but he has caused so much pain. I wish things had turned out differently. I’ll never forgive myself for what happened, it will haunt me for as long as I live.
Vivian and Noluthando watch in shock.
ESIHLE: I just want my brother back.
Esihle wails as Bongani holds her tight.
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