Have you heard of the vibrant Suidoosterfees festival in Cape Town? This annual celebration of culture, creativity, and community brings together the best South African talent in music, dance, theatre, and visual arts. But it’s not just about the performances – the festival is committed to promoting diversity and inclusivity, creating a space where everyone can come together to celebrate their shared humanity.

The festival also offers workshops and educational opportunities for aspiring artists and community members, helping to build stronger and more connected communities. And, as if that wasn’t cool enough, Fundza ran a playwriting competition with winners given the opportunity to stage their plays at the festival. We spoke to three Suidoosterfees participants about their workshop and writing experience and what participating in the festival means to them. Check out what they had to say!

Elzaan Daniels

“Suidoosterfees gave us the space to tell our stories, and to let others’ stories be heard. My heart was so full when I received the phone call. I am just so grateful.

Here at the Suidoosterfees Festival, we come together to share the art of it all. To share our voices and our hearts with one another. And to me, that’s one of the most precious things in the world. 

I love people, and being surrounded by people, and telling stories to people about people.

And these topics [I have chosen for my play] are not necessarily the ones you have around a dinner table but here I make sure that you’ll hear the truth. That you’ll face it, one way or another. 

And Suidoosterfees has given me the opportunity to do so.”

Casey Jacobs

“I entered Fundza’s Chattalogue competition when my high school drama teacher, Kobie Jacobs, sent a link to the Fundza website about the contest to our drama class group chat.

This really interested me because I am an aspiring writer and am very passionate about writing little skits and stories, which I hope that one day I can share with the world. Even though I still have a ways to go as a writer, I gave the competition a shot.

The Suidoosterfees festival appealed to me as an aspiring writer, part of my dream is to have my pieces come to life, whether it be in the form of plays or series or movies. So as soon as I heard about the collaboration between Fundza and Suidoosterfees, I jumped to grab the opportunity.

I wrote my play, “Getting to know You.”, for the purpose of entertainment and joy alone. My only wish is to have the audience enjoy what I write because that is part of what drives me to write even more and better scripts.”

Savannah Steyn

“What I love most about theatre is its ability to include which is what Suideossterfees is all about. To write plays is not just telling stories but writing a conversation from various perspectives through characters which reflect our realities. At times the conversation can be mundane and at other times it may be groundbreaking, but sure enough, there is bound to be some sort of conflict and I usually find myself wanting to find a moment of laughter amidst what could be a sad tale to tell. I have known about the festival since my early days of Highschool drama. My fellow drama queens and I loved a space which sought to bring others together to appreciate stories which sparked discussions. Discussions such as language, its various forms, written, spoken or performed and its different accents. Its ability to convey meaning and link to identity.

I believe my play 3C addresses the issue of identity for young people through the discussion of hair politics. As a young coloured woman, I found that certain spaces I was in and people influenced the way I wore my hair and spoke. Through the perspectives of two very different young characters, this play will have you laugh while questioning the reality of breaking away from conformity. While looking at the questions of the future that many young people may have as they enter adulthood I hope this play will open up conversations about identity, beauty, success and what that looks like for different individuals.”

Are you ready to be inspired and immersed in South African culture? Look no further than the Suidoosterfees festival! The festival is an essential and inspiring celebration of South African culture and creativity. It serves as a reminder of the power of art to bring people together, promote understanding and empathy, and foster a brighter, more inclusive future for all. So if you ever find yourself in Cape Town during the festival, check it out!


Tell us: What impact do you think festivals like Suidoosterfees have on promoting diversity and inclusivity in the arts?

Read more here to learn about scriptwriting.