Owner, Cre8tive Couture Beauty Salon & Spa and JASA Alumnus 2008


Investing in JASA is investing in the future.

I remember eagerly registering for the JASA programme, as a Grade 10 learner at Kingsway High School. Three years ago I started ‘Cre8tive Couture’, an exciting new concept in the contemporary nail and beauty market. With a constantly growing team of around 150 sales representatives nationally, we pride ourselves on running professional training programmes and workshops to upskill and ultimately create jobs for up-and-coming stylists.

JASA gave me the confidence to start my own business and taught me the most crucial lesson I have learnt to date; that a well-planned marketing strategy is the core to success. Utilising social media and viral advertising, I have managed to create brand awareness and develop a reputable name for my business.

I read in Forbes Magazine that before dreaming about the future or making plans you need to articulate what you already have going for you. As I complete my Business Law degree I know that it was my JASA experience that gave me the confidence I needed to do so.

Investing in JASA is investing in the future, as young minds are given invaluable entrepreneurial skills to help them find their way as they mature from learner to a productive South African adult.