I was sad when we broke up, but it had to happen. Life at work was awkward for a while afterwards, but we got over it and ended up working well together again. We’ve lost touch now, but it would be cool to be his friend.
I’m very ashamed to say that Number Two followed close on his heels. Short-lived and ill-advised, this was an entirely different story. I chucked him just as soon as I discovered he was not actually separated from his wife as he’d told me. Don’t like to think about that one.
Number Three – well. Here things get complicated again. You see, he is the father of my daughter. I don’t have anything really horrible to say about him, really. The worst one can say is that he was in over his head. Still, getting involved with him was not my best decision ever. We were just wrong for each other.
I need to psych myself up to talk about this one. Gimme a second, okay?
Hang on: remind me again why I’m doing this? Laying my soul bare for the whole world to see? Revealing uncomfortable truths about myself, history I’d rather forget?
Since I’m not on drugs, I must be temporarily insane.