It was Friday evening. I was in my bedroom getting ready to meet Samora.

“Dad wants to speak to you,” Lizzie said, holding the phone out to me.

“Well, I don’t want to speak to him!” I shouted, loud enough so he could hear. I grabbed the phone from Lizzie and disconnected his call.

My little sister slumped down onto the floor. She began to sob her heart out. I sat down beside her, and held her hands. “It’s okay, sweetie. Everything will be alright,” I lied.

She wiped her eyes, got up and left my bedroom.

“I hate you, Dad,” I muttered a moment later as I sat down in front of the mirror to fix my hair. “Why did you do this to us?” I put my head into my hands and burst into tears. A moment later, Ma came into my bedroom. She put her arms around me.

“It’s no use getting upset, Esther,” she said quietly. “It’s not going to bring your father back.”

I looked at Ma in amazement. “How can you sit there and say that to me?” I jumped up so fast, I knocked the stool over. “You and Dad have been screaming at each other for months. How dare you tell me what to think? Who has been looking after Lizzie for weeks now when all the time you lay on your bed, crying?”

“Esther,” Ma said softly, “your father has met another woman.”

I looked at her in shock. Now it sank in. I never really thought that Dad would just abandon his family.

“I’m sorry I haven’t been there for you and your sister. I only found out about this woman last night. It was the not knowing that nearly drove me insane.”

“Oh Ma, I’m sorry.”

“Your Dad still loves you and Lizzie, but he is not coming home again.”

Now I did not want to go out. I hated Dad more, if that was possible. And I was confused about my feelings for Samora. But Ma encouraged me to go on with the evening’s plan. “Lizzie and I will be fine here,” she said, giving me a sad smile.


“Hi, Esther,” Samora said when he saw me at the soccer game. “How about a kiss for good luck then?”

Before I knew what was happening, Samora had kissed me quickly on the lips. I felt as if everybody was looking at me.

Samora played a very exciting match and my heart beat so fast that I was exhausted by the end! When Samora won, Linkie and I cheered madly for him.

After the prize giving, Samora came over to me. “Esther, I’d like to speak to you alone for a few minutes.”

“Okay,” I said uncertainly, walking outside with him.

“Will you come out with me again, Esther?”

“I can’t.”

“Is it because you don’t like me?”

“No… it’s… it’s just that I have family problems right now.”

“I’m ready to listen at any time.” I looked closely at him for a few seconds. He looked unwaveringly back at me. I could see he meant it.

I smiled, feeling a flush of warmth towards him, and nodded my head. Then I told him everything that had happened between my parents.

“I’m sorry, Esther.” He took my hand in his.

He was so easy to be with. We chatted on and on. Soon I had forgotten the problems at home. And before I knew it, I found myself smiling, and agreeing to go out with him again.

Then I remembered Ma and Dad. I stopped smiling and dropped Samora’s hand.


Tell us what you think: Will Esther go out with Samora again?