Two months went by. Between her classes and WaxLyrical’s schedule, they could not meet. If it wasn’t for social networking, she didn’t know how she would have coped. But now, at last, he wanted her to visit again. He called at midnight and, as usual, he did not play games. Just came out and said, “I’d like you to spend the weekend with me. No pressure, of course. Just telling you what I would like.”

“But what about your manager?” she asked.

“I’m alone this weekend. Anyway, that’s for me to sort out. So, will you make it? Please, please say you will.”

“Yes. It means I have to bring my books with me, though. I have a test on Monday.”

“Cool. You can study and I will do a little work and then it will be all about fun-ness. Just me and you.”

That was all it took. For the next three days, thoughts of WaxLyrical consumed her. Even though she had agreed to visit him, on the day she was supposed to leave, she dithered. She packed and unpacked her bag. After the weekend she would be committed, and at the back of her mind were thoughts of Tina, and sometimes, Jimmy’s words of warning. But on the Friday afternoon, when the bus stopped outside the res, she climbed on and once she was sitting inside she counted – four, three, two, one hour until she arrived. He was waiting for her at the bus station.

They were lying on the couch together. He was typing on his phone, she had her book open on her lap. “Do you want a drink?”

But he was too busy to hear her. When he finally looked up, he said, “Sorry. I needed to respond to the message. It’s those people I told you about. I’m putting the final touches to my next show.”

“Ah … cool. So when is it?”

“Two weeks’ time.”

“Oh…What about I go with you?”

“Didn’t you say you were having exams then? Hey, so, what do you think about this soundtrack? I’m still trying to put it together. Tell me what you think.”

She listened and nodded. “Yes. I like it a lot.” That was something she loved about him. He always asked her for her opinion, as if what she said mattered to him.

“You do?”

“I do.”

“Yeah, I do too. My manager didn’t like it. Anyway, she’s not into this stuff, that sister of mine … but she’s really supportive, you know. She’s talking about putting another show together sooner than planned because that last one went so well. We’re thinking of taking the performance around the country.”

“Oh. That’s cool of her.” She sighed. “Maybe I’ll be able to catch a few.”

“Yeah. We’ll arrange that, Sweets. We’ll go together even though you know how I feel about you being at these shows. Some of these places can get really wild. And I want you safe – always, Babe. Always. I want to keep you safe from these things. You know how special you are to me.”

“Maybe one that takes place close by so I don’t have to travel too far? My friend works for the theatre just outside Mahikeng. I could stay with her.”

“Who’s your friend? And why would you want to stay with her if the plan was for us to be together?”

“Tina … Tina Nkomo.”

“Ah … yes. I met her a few years ago. So what is this? You’ve been discussing me with her?”

“No. No. Not really. I just told her I’d been to your show and she said she knew you.”

“Hmm … That’s all?”

“Yes. That’s all. Really. I promise. She just said she knew you very well.”

“Lots of people claim to know me really well. I mean, I don’t even know myself that well!” He laughed and they laughed and the tension disappeared. She thought again how fortunate she was to be with a man like him, who only wanted to love and protect her. He cared for her … not like other immature guys who would have insisted on taking her along to these wild shows.

“I’ve been reading your writing. You write so well.”

She felt her cheeks go warm.

“I wish you could share stuff with just me. I will never post stuff on your wall. I don’t want people knowing what’s going on in my life. I want to protect the people who are close to me. I’m private that way. I have had to block some people who were stalking me. Turns out some of those who were trying to get friendly with me were part of the competition and they were trying to sabotage me. So, I’d prefer that you keep this thing between us. That way it will last forever.”

DeeDee tried to understand but some of the things WaxLyrical said to her didn’t make sense. However, she didn’t want to lose him, so she did as he asked. She said nothing to anyone. She was going to keep it on the down low. That is, until her old friend Tina called her that night.

“Hey, DeeDee! How are you? It’s been so long. How are you doing?”

“Tina! I was just thinking about you today.”

“Really? Thinking about me or talking about me? That’s why my ears were buzzing.”

DeeDee didn’t know how to respond. She could tell her friend the truth, or say nothing. She wasn’t sure.

“You spent the whole day in my thoughts. How are you doing?”

“Great. Really. I’m liking my work and all the people I am meeting. Yes. I am very happy.”

“I’m happy too. Trying to be, anyway.”

“Where’s Jimmy?”

“He’s around. Getting all twisted because I’ve started seeing someone.”

“Awwww … Poor Jimmy. So who is this man?”

“Can’t talk about him.”

“Why not? Come on, DeeDee. This is me.”

“Uhm … no. He wouldn’t like it.”

“Why not?”

“He’s private.”


“He’s sort of famous…” Her voice trailed away.

“Who, DeeDee?”

“OK. Look. Please don’t say anything to anyone. You were with him yesterday.”

“I was with many people yesterday. That’s my job. Who?”


“Oh, DeeDee. Oh no DeeDee. Damn. He’s bad news. You know that, don’t you? It won’t work. He played the same game with me girl. Wanting to be private. It’s a lie. He’s keeping his options open. Always. But I’m over him. I’ve moved on now.”


Tell us what you think: Should DeeDee end things with WaxLyrical or is this a case of Tina suffering ‘sour grapes’?