“What shall I buy Thabi for her house-warming present?”’ Karabo said one Friday about two weeks later. It was lunchtime, and Sipho and Karabo were lying on the grass at the park, enjoying another one of Karabo’s homemade lunches.

Sipho didn’t answer. In his head he was trying to work out how much he could save from his pay cheque to put towards the necklace. He imagined her joy when she opened the red velvet, heart-shaped box he had already bought for her. He had the box, now he just had to find a way to fill it.

Hey,” she said, shaking his shoulder. “Are you paying attention? Or am I speaking to myself?”

“Sorry, what were you saying?”

“I hope you haven’t forgotten about Thabi’s party tonight?”

“No babe.”

Their friend Thabi Malebeni had just moved into her own house quite near the mall. She’d inherited the house, a car and a lot of money. Now she was having a housewarming party for all her friends.

“We’re getting a lift with Dom. He’s got a car, did you know? He’ll take us straight from work at half past five.”

Sipho didn’t want to think about being driven by the bastard who’d flirted with Karabo. He didn’t need him in his face. It was bad enough seeing him every day in the gaming shop next door. But at the same time, he wanted to see Thabi. She was a good friend of his and Karabo’s. And his friends Sim and Motso would be there – they were sharing her house with her.

“I think we should get her that set of serving dishes from Clicks. They’re about R135. Do you think you can put in half, and I’ll buy it after work?”

Sipho couldn’t look her in the eye. “Babes, I’m platsak. I’ve got nothing till payday.”

He felt her stiffening. She sat up quickly. “Fine, then I’ll buy it with my money. I’ll have to go and draw it from the autobank.” She jumped up.

“Hey, what’s wrong? There’s still twenty minutes of lunch hour left.” He got up and chased after her as she stormed down the path towards the mall.

She was acting weird. Why was she getting angry all the time? Was she still angry about Lesego? Was she comparing him to Dominic all the time? If only she knew the truth about him.

She made straight for the Ladies. “Hey Karabo, can we talk about this?” he begged, as she reached the door of the toilets.

“There’s nothing to talk about. And you’re not allowed here. People will think you’re a pervert. Just go.”

Sipho saw the security guard approaching. He hurried off. I just wish I could tell her why I’ve got no money, he thought. Then she wouldn’t be upset with me.

It was almost closing time, and Sipho was cashing up. He just had time to feed the parrots and change before five thirty. Suddenly his phone rang.

“I saw your internet advert on Gumtree for the Yellow Naped Amazon parrot. Is it still available?”

“Yes, it is available,” he said, trying not to let his voice show his excitement. “I’m at Liesbeek Mall. Would you like to come and see the bird?”

“I can be there by six thirty.”

“Ma’am, is it possible that you can come tomorrow, in the morning, maybe?”

“No, it’s for my husband’s birthday. It’s tomorrow, and I want to surprise him.”

Oh no, he thought. That means I won’t be able to go to the party with Karabo. She isn’t going to understand if I’m late. But I need to sell Perry. “Yes, Ma’am,” he said. “You can come. I’ll be waiting for you.”

Just as he thought, Karabo was furious when she arrived at five thirty. She stormed out of the pet shop, shouting, “Whenever I ask you to do something you always make an excuse. I’m sick of it. Don’t bother to come. You obviously don’t want to be with me!”


Tell us what you think: Should Sipho tell Karabo what he really feels? Or will that make her angrier?