“The security company car arrived within two minutes. I followed behind the two security guards. One of them was tall and muscular, a perfect specimen for his chosen job. He was the one in front as the shorter guard and I followed behind.  Both guards entered my house and moved with assured confidence that made me realise these criminals wouldn’t have a chance of escaping. I went to my gun safe in a hidden compartment in the lounge. I took out my gun and followed the guards. They checked all the rooms, which we found to be empty. Muffled voices came from the master bedroom,” says Themba.

“Had anything been taken from the other rooms?” asks Sandile.

“No,” says Themba. “Just listen. This story gets stranger.”

“OK,” says Sandile.

“As we were standing outside the door of the master bedroom, we could hear that there was movement inside. The tall muscular guard kicked the door open and we all entered with our guns drawn. I couldn’t believe my eyes,” Themba’s voice breaks.

Themba breaks down once again. He takes a moment to recollect himself. Sandile can see that Themba has reached the heaviest part of his story. He sees Themba trying to speak but words can’t seem to come out of his mouth. He is crying once again.

“Take your time, my brother,” says Sandile.

Themba takes a deep breath. “My wife! My wife, who I paid full lobolo for, Sandile! In our bed! In our bedroom!”

Themba lets out a heartbreaking sob. Sandile is taken aback now, he can feel the heaviness of what Themba feels in the pitch of his sobs. Sandile slows down the car considerably – he puts on the hazard lights as he drives at 20km/h in the yellow lane.

“Take your time, my brother. Let it all out. Speaking about it will help you,” says Sandile.

“My wife, whom I married in front of everyone in broad daylight with the whole world watching. My wife, for whom I do everything. But yesterday that same wife…If I knew what I was going to find, I would never have called people to witness such a thing!”

Sandile remains quiet because he sees that Themba is ready to spell it all out. And Themba does tell it all. He tells it in a visceral, graphic way. The story has so much detail that it feels to Sandile as if he is watching it happen. In fact, it feels as if he is right there in the master bedroom of Themba’s house.

The tall muscular guard looks at Themba’s wife and says, “Zanele, you and this boyfriend of yours have cheated on me for the last time!” He puts his gun back in its his holster and heads straight to the man who is in bed with Themba’s wife.

The man cheating with Themba’s wife jumps out of bed. “I’m sorry, guys! Please don’t kill me!”

The man runs and stands in a corner of the bedroom. His confused bulging eyes look at everyone in the bedroom. The muscular security guard doesn’t ask questions when he reaches him. He lands one fist, sending the man’s head banging against the wall. The second fist takes out the man’s front teeth. The third fist misses because the man has tumbled to the ground. The security guard kicks the man’s ribs with his boot.

The security guard is not quiet as he assaults the man. “You dog! I told you to leave my woman alone!”

What the hell is going on here? Could my wife be cheating on me with both men? Themba wonders.

“Stop it, Mkhize! Stop it! You are going to kill him!” says the other security guard, grabbing hold of his muscular colleague.

The muscular security guard pushes his colleague with one arm, sending him flying across the room. Themba watches all of this in disbelief. He doesn’t understand how his bedroom has turned into an all-action ring where two men are fighting over his wife.

He looks at his wife, Zanele, and sees that she is crying in the corner. Themba shakes uncontrollably and the gun falls from his hand. The gun hits the floor and goes off. It is a deafening sound that brings all the commotion into a standstill.

There is so much blood you’d swear a cow was being slaughtered in the bedroom. The other guard has already slipped on the blood when he tried to get up. The muscular guard had picked up the man and thrown him across the room to the opposite wall before the gun went off and brought everything to a standstill. Themba and Zanele’s eyes lock.

“I’m sorry, Themba,” says Zanele, in a low voice.

Themba picks up his gun after seeing that the bullet didn’t hit anyone. He runs out of his house, gets in his car, and just keeps driving.

Tell us: Have you ever made a shocking discovery?