Days pass and then the news that Manqoba and his men are returning spreads through the village. The people wait for them at the entrance and at last Manqoba and his men are received with glory, as returning warriors.
It seems they did not only spy: everyone is in awe at the treasures Manqoba has bought with him. It takes everyone by surprise.
Manqoba approaches the Nkosi Madoda: “We gathered information about the Sun-dwellers and while we were there we gathered a few treasures for the Nkosi.”
The Nkosi is surprised – but not in the same way as his people are. He is suspicious. “Manqoba how did you gather this? And why?”
“I thought the Nkosi would be happy with the gifts.”
“Manqoba, why did you not follow my orders to gather information?”
“Nkosi I did – and more!”
The Nkosi is not happy. He goes back to his chambers leaving Manqoba down-hearted. Manqoba has misjudged the Nkosi’s reaction.
However, the whole village remains and celebrates the treasures Manqoba and his men have brought back with them.
The next day the Nkosi surprises the village by announcing that he is going out by himself into the wilderness. Everyone is confused. Ndaba kaPhinga tries to talk to him, to justify the treasures that Manqoba and his men had taken. The Nkosi won’t budge.
The next day the Nkosi packs up his things. He is about to leave when he announces: “While I am gone, do not take any important decisions and act on them without me knowing.”
“There he goes again. Leaving without any explanation. When will he be back? No man knows,” sighs Manqoba.
“The Nkosi has his reasons,” says Mmeli in defence of the Nkosi.
“Does he not care about us, the villagers’ welfare? I grow tired of the Nkosi’s unpredictability,” Manqoba complains.
Tell us: Why might the Nkosi head out alone into the bush?