“Do you know who this woman he is supposed to be having the affair with is?” Dorcas asked.

“I don’t know her name but she’s always at his gigs. She wears these very short skirts and low cut tops. I have never heard anybody say anything good about her.”

Dorcas looked aghast. “It doesn’t sound good.”

“Of course she’s going to get a huge shock when she realises Jason sponges off women. He doesn’t earn enough to keep a girl happy, let alone a family, but Jason doesn’t seem to register that.”

“Well, she can have him!” Dorcas said, in the way people do before they’re really sure about what’s going on. But she was infuriated. She was also deeply hurt. How dare he treat her like this! She knew deep down that she would be far better off without him. She didn’t need a man who was a cheater in her life. She deserved a much better person than the likes of Jason.

It didn’t take long to find out that Bonyo was right. Jason was having an affair with one of his fans. She was very young and clingy. She wanted Jason and she didn’t care who she hurt in the process of getting him. Jason was sensitive about the fact that he was now nearly thirty years of age. He spent hours grooming himself in the mirror, trying to look younger than he actually was.

Dorcas decided not to say anything to him. She’d bide her time and perhaps the affair would fizzle out. But she knew that really, she should just let him go. After all he was cheating on her, not to mention how rude and nasty he had been these past months. Why on earth did she want a guy like that in her life? She’d be far better off without him.

Finally Dorcas admitted to herself that she’d rather be the one in control. She’d like to be the person to tell Jason to get out of her life. Yes, she would be the one to break up with him before he had a chance to do it first. That way she could be spared the humiliation and get out with some dignity.

But then something happened that would change things forever. Her colleague at work phoned to remind her about the New Year celebrations. Could she confirm that she and Jason would be there? The idea of going alone to the party and the office gossip that would result was too much for her. No, she wouldn’t break up with him until after the event. They would go together out in public, one last time.

And what a time it turned out to be.

Dorcas was surprised at how readily Jason agreed to go with her. He even made a big effort to look good. And he did. Dorcas realised how she had stopped really seeing him. She had forgotten how handsome he was and how charming he could be.

“You look gorgeous, babe.”

She looked at him, surprised. He never called her ‘babe’ anymore. Could he have grown tired of his young groupie? Was he missing Dorcas? Had he decided to make a go of it with her again? She felt hope bubbling up inside her. She couldn’t help it.

“You look great too,” she responded.

He reached over and squeezed her hand.

Dorcas felt great. She was wearing a sequined dress that she had bought for the occasion and she turned heads as they went into the party venue together. It was like old times.

When her colleagues commented on how good they looked together, Dorcas started to doubt whether she could go through with the break-up. She had forgotten how good it felt to dance with him – to feel like a couple again, laughing and chatting to colleagues.

When they left the party Dorcas was feeling light-headed and giddy. She wasn’t sure afterwards whether it was because of all the red wine she’d drunk (Jason had kept filling up her glass) or the fact that her boss had just given her some news that was still a big secret: she’d received a commission to decorate the Premier’s new suite of offices. It was like a dream come true.

This would mean plenty of work for her, not to mention the huge bonus she would receive. “I’ve done it,” she whispered to herself. She wished that her parents had lived to see this day. They had sacrificed a great deal so Dorcas could attend a good school and then go to university. She made a silent toast to her parents.

It was the early hours of the morning by the time they climbed into bed together. Usually Jason would turn his back to her and fall asleep. But he took her hand and squeezed it. He turned towards her and stroked a piece of her hair back from her face.

“Dorcas,” he whispered.

“Ssh,” she said, and put her finger over his lips.

A mixture of emotions passed across his face. He still wanted her, she was sure of it. She leaned across to kiss him.

* * *

Tell us what you think: What do you think about what Dorcus did, inviting Jason to the New Year’s celebration?