A frantic Josh was in his car, speeding down the freeway. He’d had an SMS from Bianca:

Pls come 2 St Teresa Private Hospital,

ICU ward 4B and ask for me. Its serious

He’d had called her back, and got her voicemail. He didn’t know what to think. Was there a problem with the baby? Had Bianca gone ahead with the abortion?

“Why isn’t she answering her damn phone?!” he kept yelling out loud, as he swerved in and out of lanes.

It only dawned on him later that it might have something to do with Adrian. The whole debacle sickened Josh. He felt like Adrian was a trouble maker, even on his death bed.

At St Teresa Hospital, Bianca had sat by Adrian’s bedside. She was in a cheerful mood as she poured her ‘friend’ a glass of water.

Adrian had woken up from the coma. Still feeling exhausted, dizzy and with a parched throat, he felt glad to see Bianca first. She reciprocated the feeling, fussing over him.

He’d sat up now, after a long doctor’s examination.

“Yes it was Josh,” he told Bianca, seeming more thoughtful than angered. “He started yelling that I’m invading his territory, and he’s sick of warning me, and I shouldn’t see you and all that. The next thing I know, I’m here in hospital, with you. Hi!”

Bianca found no humour in it. “You could’ve died, Adrian,” she said, as if to reassure herself.

“Uh huh. But I’m alive. Back here with you, babes.”

“Are you … are you going to the cops?”

“I’m not sure,” he responded, still a bit dazed, trying to make sense of the surroundings. “I think so. I will, probably. My focus though is getting back on my feet first.”

Josh barged in the room, looking frightened. He walked up to the bed, on the opposite side of Bianca. He just stood there, looking startled out of his wits, without saying a word – just staring at the victim.

“I’m sure you’re disappointed,” Bianca finally let out. “He’s alive. And awake.”

“C’mon B,” responded Josh, still focused on Adrian, who was staring back at him. “I’m so sorry dude. I really am. I’ll pay for your bills and stuff.”

“And if I had died?” Adrian asked, turning a tad menacing. “Would you have paid for my coffin?”

Josh looked away, ashamed. He attempted to mutter something.

“Answer him,” demanded Bianca. “It’s a fair question.”

“Guys, I don’t know what to say. I’m really, really sorry, dude,” he begged, with his hands together as if he were praying. “I let my emotions get the better of me. I was stupid, I know.”

“Well, your little apology isn’t gonna save you from jail time,” Bianca continued.

Anxious, Josh turned to Adrian, the unspoken question clear on his face.

“I’m sorry, chap. I have to report it. Even the doctors suggested I should. Attempted murder, they say.”

Josh dropped his head, defeated.

“You attacked me with a steel spanner, Josh. Who does that?” Adrian stopped and gave a long, wet, sickly cough, covering his mouth with both hands.

“Are you OK,” Bianca offered, stepping right up to him, worried.

He grabbed the glass of water again, and sipped. “I’m fine, thanks. I’ll be alright.”

Josh observed that he was far from fine. It looked like Adrian could slip back into a critical state at any given moment.

“I hope you’re happy with yourself, Josh,” Bianca accused.

They shared a brief moment of silence.

All Josh could think about was his record deal. It was the one thing he needed to hold on to, if all else failed. And all else seemed to be failing.

He stepped back, towards the exit. Josh stood there, leaning on the doorsill. “Guys, this is it for me,” he said, concentrated on Bianca. “I’m out. If ya’ll wanna be together, I’m cool with it.” He grew emotional, turning red, his eyes glassy. “You win. All I ask is that you don’t ruin my chances at music by going to the cops. And also, I hope that you’ll keep the kid, B. That’s a life inside you. But hey, that’s also up to you. Cheers … bye,” he concluded, wiping a tear off his cheek. He turned and left.

Bianca sat there, speechless. She sat back, fidgety, shocked. Josh had given in. Wow, she thought, mentally playing back what he’d said.

The words, ‘Keep the kid. That’s a life in you,’ had hit home.


Tell us what you think: Should Bianca have the abortion, now that the relationship is certainly over and the father likely to be charged?