Miriam was at the mall with her friend Lesang. “Oh, look at those jeans,” Miriam said, admiring a pair in the shop window.
“Yeah, they’re nice, but they’re R350. Too much for me,” Lesang said.
“Let’s go in. I want to try them on.”
“I know that shop, and they’re real snobs. They won’t like you trying on unless you intend to buy.”
Miriam took out the R500 she had got from Felix. “I intend to buy.”
Lesang couldn’t believe it. “Where’d you get that money?”
“My boyfriend!”
“Felix? I didn’t know he had money like that.”
“Well, he does.”
They entered the shop and Miriam tried on the jeans. “They look great,” Lesang said.
“I’m buying them,” Miriam told the salesperson. Then she turned to Lesang, “And I’m taking you to lunch!”
They finished in the shop and went to the food court. Once they had their food they sat down at the tables near the fountain.
“But honestly, Miriam, where did Felix get that money?” Lesang asked.
“His brother is a racer. He bet on him and they both won.” She smiled and took a sip of her milkshake.
“Racer? Like those illegal street racers?”
“Yeah, like that, but you make it sound so awful. It’s not. It’s just a bit of fun,” Miriam said.
“Fun? My uncle got injured by two young guys who were street racing in Pretoria. He was in hospital for three months. He lost his job at the mine because of it. It’s terrible.”
“I’m sorry about your uncle, that’s awful. But these guys are careful. They clear the street and they race at night when there’s not much traffic. Felix’s brother is a responsible guy; he wouldn’t do it if he thought people would get harmed.”
“The fact that he’s doing it means he’s not responsible. It’s illegal for a reason: it’s dangerous!”
Miriam could see that Lesang was upset so changed the topic. She didn’t know what to think now. Was Dino’s passion a bad thing? She had thought the same before going to the races on Saturday. Maybe Lesang would feel differently if she actually saw the racing and the people involved. They were not people who say, abused drink or did drugs. They weren’t thieves. They were serious people, responsible people. Yes, they were living a bit on the edge, but it wasn’t harming anyone.
In the end she decided it was better not to speak to Lesang about it again. It would just be a subject on which they had different opinions.
The next Saturday Miriam was excited about going to the races. She couldn’t believe that only a week before she had been dreading it. She’d been scared and afraid. Now she couldn’t wait for Felix to come and collect her.
He knocked at their door and her father answered it. Miriam could hear Felix talking to her dad in the sitting room. She went in to save him.
“So where are you two off to tonight?” her father asked Felix.
Before Felix could answer Miriam said, “We’re going to a movie at the mall.”
“OK. Well, have fun!”
They went outside and walked a short distance. “I wasn’t going to tell him the truth,” Felix said.
“Yeah, I didn’t think so, but I just thought I’d give you some help.”
“You look great tonight, by the way. I love those jeans on you.”
“Thanks.” Miriam kissed him on the lips. “I’m looking forward to tonight. You were right. The races are fun.”
By the time they got to Fasta’s, the crowd was already moving to the motorway. There were so many racers for the night that the organisers had decided to start early.
“Let’s place a bet,” Miriam said.
Felix walked over to Saki with Miriam. “Felix, my man. Is your lady placing a bet too?” Saki asked.
“R100,” Miriam said. “On Dino.”
“And you?” Saki asked Felix.
“R500 on Dino.”
Saki handed them their slips. Miriam smiled at Felix and said, “It’s like we’re giving Dino extra luck when we bet on him.”
“Yes, it is a bit like that,” Felix said.
Butros hadn’t shown up, so Dino was paired with a racer from Joburg. He was an unknown, which might be a problem.
“It doesn’t matter,” Dino said. “I know my car.”
He climbed into his car and joined the queue of racers. His was the third race. Miriam could barely keep her heart still she was so excited.
Dino and his Joburg opponent were finally up, the starter’s hands fell and the two cars were off – exactly together. They stayed that way until almost the end and for a moment Miriam feared Dino would lose and she’d lose her R100. But then at the last second he pulled forward.
“Yay!” Miriam hugged Felix. “We won!”
They went to collect their money and then on to where Dino was with his car. The Joburg racer was there and Dino was showing him the engine of his car. He liked showing off what he knew about cars.
“Good job!” Felix said.
“Your brother is one tough racer. He needs to come up to Joburg and show those ma-gents how it’s done,” the Joburg racer said.
“So, what about what we talked about?” Felix then asked Dino. Miriam wasn’t sure what they were discussing. She could tell Dino was not happy about whatever it was though.
“I don’t know,” Dino said. “I don’t think it’s a good idea.”
“Did you ask?”
“They said it’s OK, but I don’t know, Felix. There are a lot of people here. The racing is really fast tonight. I just think you need more practice.”
“Come on, Dino, you promised.”
Dino ran his hand over his face. “Yeah … OK, fine. You need to join the queue. They’ll pair you with someone.”
“What’s happening?” Miriam asked Felix.
Felix had a huge smile on his face. “I’m racing!”
What do you think: Is it a good decision for Dino to allow Felix to race in his car?