Zandile quickly recomposed herself and tackled Mila midair. Mila gasped as the air was knocked out of her lungs. Zandile cushioned both their falls on the cold, hard ground.
Panting, Mila pulled herself up from Zandile’s embrace and looked around, confused; she had not expected such strength or protection from the older woman but focused her attention upward at the immediate damage.
The cave-in had caused their platform to collapse on top of other ones that sent them toppling, causing a pile-up of metal and rubble. The entrance to the dam was fully blocked and the burst pipe was quickly filling the makeshift tank they had gotten themselves trapped in.
“You isilima!” Zandile yelled, as she pulled herself up and pushed away a block of metal with ease, “You see? I told you that coming here was a bad idea. You young ones, qalekiso, all of you!”
“I didn’t even know it was that unstable, what even happened on the surface? How did you save me?”
“Must have been a storm, tremor or something. Whatever it was, it blocked the entrance, we are going to have to find another way out.”
“Not without my pirithium, that metal is my ticket off the streets. We’re too low to try and find another way out anyway. I’d rather drown in here than go another day eating rats and licking the sauce off used fast-food packs. Come on, the aquarium is just through here.”
Mila pointed to a small tunnel where the water from the large pipe was pouring in. The tunnel was cramped and filled with metal scraps from the platform. Zandile winced and moved back, holding her cloak tighter. Her eyes widened in fear as she watched the water slowly rise.
“N-no. Let’s find another way out of here. I-I can’t swim.”
Mila put her arms to her hips and raised an eyebrow, “I just saw you tank a fall. You’re telling me you’re scared of getting a little wet? It’s not even that deep.”
Zandile pressed her back to the wall, “You either find a safe way for both of us to get out of here or I will break down this dam piece by piece and remove you myself.”
Mila groaned, “Ugh, OK fine. Hold on.”
Mila walked to the tunnel entrance. She scanned the jagged metal pipes and rubble and, with a deep breath, pushed back her hair and dove into the water. She manoeuvred her way through the debris with grace and ease, twisting her body to fit through the tight cracks and dodge the sharp metal.
The cool water on her skin refreshed Mila. Once on the other side, she jumped out with the grace of a sea creature; she hadn’t even realised she was holding her breath. She rinsed her hair and stretched, admiring her accomplishment before remembering Zandile. Embarrassed, Mila rushed to find a nearby pulley system, which the women reworked into a makeshift ladder for Zandile to climb up.
After Zandile made it out, Mila dropped the pulley. As the mechanism fell, a piece of it snagged onto Mila’s flesh, leaving behind a deep gash in her arm.
“Yoh!” she cried, “what the bloody—this is why I want to become a cyborg. At least they don’t feel pain.”
Without speaking, Zandile grabbed Mila’s arm and knelt to look at it. After scanning it up and down, she pulled out something from her cloak and sprayed it on the wound.
“Hey!” Mila yelled, “What are you doing…?”
The spray caused a foam over the wound. The bubbles spread and popped all over Mila’s injury, soothing her arm.
“How’s that?” Zandile asked.
“F-fine…” Mila said, caressing her arm, “thank you.”
“A lesson I learnt a long time ago: pain, especially your kind of pain, is not something to be hated or feared. It’s a part of living as much as laughing and bliss are. This pain doesn’t kill you. Appreciate every sensation you get.”
Mila looked at the older woman strangely. “Who are you?”
“You’re a good swimmer by the way.”
Mila made a pose and silly face at the compliment. “Thank you, I used to participate in all the swimming galas at school and earn medals like no one’s business. The water was my home…It’s a shame cyborgs can’t swim, otherwise I would have made something of myself sooner. I’ve been so focused on making it big that I never really swam again after college…”
Mila turned to the ground, and her arms slackened. The darkness covered more of her face, hiding the regret she felt. She sniffed and quickly stood upright. “Well, I should be good now. Let’s get that pirithium.”
What do you think Zandile and Mila are hiding from each other?
Tell us: Despite her fear, Zandile helps Mila. Think about a time when you helped someone even when it was difficult for you. How did it make you feel?