Lwazi arrives at the Sithole’s shop, but it hasn’t opened yet. He decides to sit down by the steps and wait for Mr Sithole, Innocent’s father.

“I must be early, but it’s better to be early than to be late on the first day,” Lwazi says to himself.

A young woman in her twenties is standing opposite the shop. She keeps looking around as if she’s looking for someone. Charmed, Lwazi observes her clearly. She’s wearing white sneakers, black leggings, a black shirt, and a matching light-brown skirt coupled with a jacket. She has a fresh haircut and glossy pink lips. She frequently checks her phone, and then lifts her head up, looking Lwazi straight in the eye. Lwazi turns away.

He turns back slowly to see if she’s still looking at him, and sees her walking towards him. He stands up and goes on to the shop’s veranda.

“Hey! Can I please have a word with you?” she calls out to him.

“Uhm, yeah.”

“Come closer.”

He walks down to her and asks, “How may I help you?”

“Can you act?”


“Like pretending to be someone.”

“I don’t follow,” he says.

“So, I’m breaking up with my boyfriend, but he’s not convinced that I’m serious. So he has asked me to meet up with him with my new boyfriend. So I need someone to pretend to be my new boyfriend so that he accepts my breakup with him.”

“Yoh! I can’t do that.”

“Please, I’m even willing to pay you if that’s what you would like. I’ll pay you any amount.”

“OK, what if I want 500 bucks?”

She opens her bag and gets out her purse. She shuffles out 500, cash, and hands it to him.

“You’re not joking!”

“Yes, will you be able to help me or not?”

A red VW Golf stops by the road, and its driver in a white cap calls to the girl.

“Melissa! Is that the guy you’re cheating on me with?”

“Put the money in your pocket,” Melissa whispers.

Lwazi slides the notes into his pocket and holds Melissa’s hand. Trembling, he walks with her towards the VW.

“I’m Melissa Mkhonto,” she whispers to Lwazi as they head towards the car.

“Melissa, I asked you a question!” the man in the car barks at her.

“Lwazi Khuse,” Lwazi whispers to Melissa. “Can I help you, sir?” he then asks the driver.

“Hey, I’m not talking to you, stupid!”

“Alex, please show us some respect, he did nothing wrong.”

He gets out of the car, “Don’t drive me crazy, Melissa! What’s this nonsense? So you’re cheating on me with a hobo. Look at him, he’s wearing shreds.”

“Alex, watch your mouth! I don’t love you any more, so move on with your Nobuhle. I can’t be in a polygamous relationship, I’m not going to share a man with another woman.”

Lwazi looks at Melissa, trapped in the realisation that he has involved himself in a matter more serious than just having to act.

“Melissa, that’s my family’s tradition. And I’m certain that you caught this guy by the road only to use him, didn’t you?” Alex points at Lwazi. “Tell me the truth, are you her boyfriend?”

Melisa looks at Lwazi with ‘please say yes, I’ve paid you, remember’ eyes.

“Yes,” he hesitantly agrees.

Alex folds his arms on his chest, “Then kiss her.”

Melissa is shocked, “What! What are you trying to do, Alex?”

“Exactly, get in the car and let’s go.”

Lwazi holds Melissa around the waist, and gives her a deep kiss. Propelled, Melissa ties her arms around Lwazi’s neck. Her emotions are sparked by the kiss as if it’s her first one.

She glances into Lwazi’s shining eyes, “Lwazi?” she says, in awe.

Over Lwazi’s shoulder, she sees Alex swinging a cricket bat. He strikes Lwazi on the side of his head. Lwazi slides to the ground, seeing a blurry Alex shouting.

“You don’t do that with my woman, you hear me!” he hears, and then he blacks out.

Tell us: What do you think pushed Lwazi into agreeing to pretend to be Melissa’s new boyfriend?